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Saturday, December 01, 2007


Hi Knitters,

Winter is upon us in Madison today. There are blizzard conditions whipping around our city. We made it to the Christmas tree farm despite the snowy conditions. On the way there I realized that everyone was wearing a handknit hat. It gave me a good feeling, I can't help myself. From left to right we've got a center square, a surefire hat, a stripey stocking hat, and another surefire hat. What a goofy group of kids, they are so funny. By the way, my son on the high school swim team is getting requests for me to make more surefire hats from his friends. Right now I am acting like I didn't hear this. Do you think it will just go away?
Remember this little gem from Knitty? I made two of these last winter and just a few days ago I stitched in fleece linings in both of them. It makes the hats so much warmer, such an easy trick. The kids love it and then you never have to worry about anyone itching. By the way, this hat was knit in the beautiful Kristin Nicholas yarn, Julia, I was just talking about. Remember to enter here to win a boatload of this yarn. The other hat I knitted like this is in Cascade 220. I just realized that this is another example of repeat knitting. I may be the queen of this.
We found a beauty. It was strange but the trees seemed so picked over and it is still early in the season. Wonder why? I think the snowy day added so much to the tree cutting adventure. It felt like we were in a snow globe. I actually brought along a big blanket and wrapped it around myself as we tromped along. The kids couldn't believe it when I pulled that blanket out but I didn't care. I get sooo cold and that extra layer helped keep me warm. I didn't even get that cold. I am definitely doing that again even if it did cause some embarrassment. Sorry kids.
Look at the effort here. This is my husband sawing away. He really cut this one down quickly. It seemed like he had just started and then it fell right over.
My little sweets sat with a tiny tree while we were waiting. The tree is now all decorated and beautiful but my house is an enormous mess. All of the decoration boxes were pulled out of the basement before I was ready. You know how you need to organize, clean and put things away before the decorations come out? Moms you know what I am talking about. Well, I haven't done any of that prep work yet. There is a lot of enthusiasm going on around here but I still feel like it is too early. Am I crazy or just in denial? Maybe a little of both. I've got to get my Christmas spirit revved up!

Hey, check out this adorable snowman hat I saw here. What a cute hat, I love it. Also, if you are looking for a quick knitted ornament remember my free pattern for the santa baby hat ornament that I did for the craftsanity podcast last year. This makes a great little gift and it is a quick and easy knit.

That's all for now. Have a peaceful night.

best, susie


  1. I would LOVE some of that snow!!! What beautiful picutres!!

  2. I'm glad you all made it home safely - the roads are scary... But what a fun family adventure. Love all of the hand knits! I don't think the swim team will let you forget heir requests - strangest thing, yesterday my daughter came home with a knit hat made by "Anna's Grandma" - seems the requests are abound - I thought "but...I'm a knitter - I'd have made you a hat" - but how sweet that some nice grandma out there made my daughter a sweet little hat. I am actually touched by the Random Act of Kindness. I need to try the Center Square - could it be a first stranding project?? Stay safe - stay home and stay warm!

    p.s. totally relate to the organization - or lack thereof as we dragged our tree out today, vacuuming as we went:)

  3. Now that is the way to get a Christmas tree. Beautiful photos of the tree farm and your family. I can relate to the lack cleaning and organization. It happened to me this year as well.

  4. Oh man, you are troopers! (Its nasty here in MI too) Your kids in there hats look great! I still have some yarn over here to make a Center Square hat for myself - need to get on that. Fleece Lining is a great idea! Maybe you could do a video turtorial on that?

    I'm really thinking I want to knit 'Patches' out of your Itty-Bitty Nursery but I'm scared of the finishing work. I'm putting in a request (if your takin' them!) for a video tutorial on whip stitching those patches together - like you have ANY time to do this but just incase!

    Oh gosh, I alwanted to ask you to do one on pom poms. I really like the way they look (when you do them!) but I can ever get a good one, Plus, I worry that a baby would pull the strings out. Any tips?

    OK, long enough comment?! :) Have a great day!

  5. Hi Susan, I found your site through Sarah at In The Midst Of It. I've been knitting for about a year now I guess and just love your site! I'm totally intimidated by the things you are knitting, but it also inspires me! Just wanted to say hi!

  6. Go head and knit caps for your son's friends. A couple of years ago, I knitted caps for my son's basketball team, but they were a little simpler than yours (2x2 rib in a solid maroon color). They loved them, and I got such a kick when they would pull them out of their bags after a game and put them on on cold nights.

  7. Do you know how I yearn for the day when my kids are embarrassed of me? Right now I just try to keep the boys from making any bodily noises in public. It's a losing battle.

    The hats are adorable, and I have to admit I'm insanely jealous of all that snow! It was 80 degrees here today. It's hard to get excited about decorating the Christmas tree when you're sweating. :)

  8. What an awesome story! You guys sure picked out a beautiful tree.

    I know what you mean about trying to be READY for all the tree stuff. We put our tree up on Thanksgiving and I am still dealing with the repercussions of not being ready for it. "Will somebody please take these ornament boxes back up to the attic?"

    Oh well, happy holidays anyway! :-)
