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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Betz's Acorns

Hi Knitters,
Oh, I couldn't resist after seeing this. Betz is so darn clever. She took the acorn tops she collected with her sons in Maryland and glued little felt balls in to replace the acorns. I simply love this, it is so smart. Who doesn't love a good acorn with a touch of felted goodness?
My daughter and I tromped around the neighborhood looking for any fallen acorns this afternoon. We have a ton of trees in our own yard just not the acorn producing type. Finally we struck gold just up the street at a neighborhood park. Luckily, we brought a baggie along just in case we found more than would fit in our hands. With our baggie loaded up with acorn treasures we marched home, pulled out the felted balls and some tacky glue and went to town. Betz used more subdued colors for her acorns but you know that's not going to happen over here. Hot pink and turquoise acorns? Of course! Thanks to Betz for such a quick and simple fall craft project to do with or without your kids. She is too good and I love her sharing ways. You should try this one!
Also fun is this little ankle sock I started yesterday. I bought this Kaffe Fassett Regia sock yarn at the Yarnery in St. Paul. The colors are beautiful and very autumnal. You should check out the other colors, too.
I am feeling the fall!
best, susie


  1. Susan! Those are ADORABLE!!!!!!!!

  2. Those are such cute acorn tops and they don't look anything like the acorns that rain from our Oak tree. Any idea what type of tree they are from? Very the bright colors!!!

  3. I finished a sock ( and posted a pic) :-) I'm so pleased with myself, only now I have to start all over again and knit another one!
    Love your acorns, what a cute idea.

  4. The acorns are so cute. I love the colors.

  5. These acorns are so wonderful! I have been seeing acorns on my walks - I should grab some up, huh? I just think they are so neat looking anyways. Your sock is beautiful - I love the cozy colorway!

  6. Those acrons are sooo cute! What a great idea!

    Great sock!

    P.S. Where can I get your Sweet Pea Topper Baby Hat? Do I order direct from you? I must knit that for a girl friend that is having twins. It's so cute!

  7. Weeee! I love the bright colors! :) Thanks for the plug, btw.

  8. I just saw you on Showcase Minnesota!! How cool! You didn't look one bit nervous. It was very inspiring!

  9. I love the site that sells the felted balls. They have so many great things that would be good for greeting cards...I'm already picturing the little keys for a house warming card. And the acorns are adorable for a fall centerpiece.

    See you Nov. 10 in the Big Apple!
    p.s. If you have a chance, make reservations at Norma's at Le Parker Meridian for brunch: It's divine!

  10. Oh those are cute! We have a full Mason jar of acorns and their tops sitting on my kitchen counter, all from two little trees in the front yard. Now I know what to do with them!

  11. Annie,
    I have tried to publish your Annie/Lesli story about 10 times and it won't publish. I am glad to hear I wasn't completely losing my mind with your name. I could have sworn I signed your book to Lesli and Ella. So funny. So which name do you like to be called. I am glad the KARE 11 show went okay. Just tell me, could you hear my cell phone?

  12. Oh, I forgot to tell you that I didn't notice your cell phone go off. Maybe they cut that part out?? As far as names go I don't have a preference. I love them both so I respond to either and many others ;)
