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Friday, August 03, 2007

Flip Flop Fun

Hi Knitters,
Here is a quick and easy project to spruce up those summer flip flops for your girls.
You just need a pair of plain flip flops. I have used lots of different types of flip flops from the $1.99 types to the more expensive $20.00 type. So use whatever you have handy. I think I recently picked up 2 pair for a buck.
Next you will need loops. Let me tell you I do have a strong recommendation here. Klutz puts out the best loops ever! Take it from someone who has taught countless numbers of kids how to make potholders, these are the best. They are stretchy and colorful. One of my kids first got these loops in a potholder kit from Klutz. This little book that comes with the kit is fantastic. It teaches all about the weaving of potholders and then it gives patterns for designs and projects to make with completed potholders.
My kids whipped these out today including my 15 year old son making the tic tac toe potholder. I love that. He even crocheted the edges. Klutz also makes fantastic craft kits for all kinds of crafts and they are all good. These make great birthday gifts and they are fun, fun, fun.
I order up bags of loops straight off of the Klutz site.
The loops come like this. My girls were so excited when this package arrived. They raced off to start making their potholders.
Here's what you do to make these frilly flip flops. I have made these for both of my girls for many years. I start at one end of the flip flop and pull a loop through the underside.
Then I simply tie a half knot and I pull it really tight. They don't come off at all with the half knot but be sure to pull extra tight.
Next take another color and tie it the same way.
The important part is to push them down as tight as they will go. I cram as many loops on as possible. This makes the flip flop full and extra loopy. Just keep repeating this all the way around the top being sure to push the loops together as you work.
My daughter couldn't be more excited about these. They are so cute! I have seen other flip flop embellishing in this same style with balloons, fabric scraps and hair ties. It only takes a matter of minutes and little girls love them.
Guess what? I received my first copy of Itty-Bitty Nursery today. Artisan sent it out to me yesterday. It is pretty fun to see it in true book form. It looks wonderful. Everything is falling into place for the fall release. It is an exciting time. My tour is getting set up and it is looking great. I get to return to places I went last fall and then I get to visit a bunch of new cities on top of that! I can't wait to see all of those knitters again, old friends and new. I'll fill you in on all of that stuff once it is all set.
If you make some flip flops let me know!
best, susie


  1. What a great idea! I have to use that with my brownie troop -- thank you!
    I do hope you are coming to NH or Northeastern Massachusetts -- I'd love to meet you! I am looking forward to checking out your book.

  2. I am inspired by every single one of your posts, and I love your craft ideas for kids. Can't wait for the new book. I've practically worn out my copy of Itty Bitty Hats.

  3. Love your potholders!
    We don't have loops like that here in Norway... Have a great weekend :)

    1. You can use 1" strips of cute material too! Use the same techniques. Very cute!

  4. These are so sweet! I can remember making those potholders as a kid myself and having so much fun - I think it's time to get my daughter hooked on these again! I'm so excited for your book!

  5. Love the flip-flops, they look so bright and cheerful, very summery too.
    How exciting to see the first print of Itty Bitty Nursery, I can't wait til it comes out :-)
    BTW, the pumpkin hat I knit wasn't from your book like Knitserland thought, it was just a pattern I found on the web that was actually an apple, I just used orange instead!

  6. Those are SOOOOO cute!!!!!!!!! My daughter wants some now! LOL

  7. I ran to Wal-Mart after I read your post and got a loom for my daughter - she is having a great time making a potholder right now - so reminiscent of my own youth. This is the best 5 bucks I ever spent - and now I may need to go to Klutz to get some more do-hickeys for more potholders and to funkify up some flip flops! I'll probably have to commemorate your post on my blog:) Thank you!
