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Monday, June 18, 2007

Another Day in the Life

Hi Knitters,
Oh my, what a beautiful hot father's day we had in Madison. It feels like mid-summer already. We served my husband breakfast in bed with a yummy new crust-less quiche I tried for the first time. It was delicious. I love a good new recipe. Then we headed out to downtown Madison. We went to the capitol and climbed the stairs to the lookout balcony. It takes your breath away, the beauty of this city. Madison is surrounded by glorious lakes. It is like an island, a getaway. After that we went to the Memorial Union which where the university students old and new hangout.
We got big old Babcock ice cream cones and sat out by the lake. Then we walked up Bascom Hill, which is like the center of the University, and pointed out our buildings to the kids. The law school building is on the right up above and straight across is
the old education building where both my dad and I worked. He worked as a professor for about 32 years at the UW-Madison in curriculum and instruction. The campus brings back so many memories for me.
Remember my son jumping off of the couch a few posts ago? Here he is again. He is a major goofball. Where does he get it?
Here is one last parting shot of Itty-Bitty Nursery for now. This is a finger puppet set of the three little pigs. The pigs are cut off a bit in this picture but not in the book obviously. My son took this picture for me. There are the 3 pigs, and a wolf, you know the story, right? They are horizontal finger puppets with four legs. This just made sense to me because that's how they really are in the world. There are three houses made of sticks, straw and bricks. The brick house has a chimney to drop the wolf into and a black cooking pot for the wolf to land in. I like the idea of finger puppets to go along with a well-known story. It makes it more fun.
Enjoy the day.
best, susie


  1. What a nice father's day - sounds perfect. Madison sounds like such a wonderful place. My husband and I should make the trip from Michigan sometime.

    Cute idea for the finger puppet set! So fun :)

    I just listened to your podcast from Inspirational Wednesday and it was great. Man, you must be FAST if you can knit a hat in an hour! So, I have to ask:

    • Do you knit Continental or English?
    • Do you knit with dps or do you use the magic loop thing that sock knitters do?

    Thanks, Susan!

  2. I haven't been to Wisconsin in a long time, but my family used to vacation at an old lodge in the woods there, and it remains my favorite vacation memory. What a beautiful, beautiful state!

  3. Sounds like a great day! I miss the UW campus, esp. the terrace at the union (where my husband proposed).

    Your book looks just beautiful.

  4. AnonymousJune 19, 2007

    How romantic and beautiful that must have been. We had our wedding reception at the Union. It is a great setting.

  5. AnonymousJune 19, 2007

    Oh Jill, you are generous with those comments. I knit continental, with sort of a weird style made up by me, especially for purling. I looove my dpns and have never tried the magic loop style. I want to try that sometime though.
    You should definitely come to Madison. There is so much to do.
