Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Hi Knitters,
You can imagine my delight to find this beautiful silk box filled with yummy flower sugar cookies on my doorstep yesterday. It has been a difficult couple of months. Some days are better than others. The reason I am mentioning this at all is because I want to share with you how grateful I am to still be receiving all of the love and support from knitters and non-knitters alike. It is nothing short of pure sweetness and love to still find little gifts dropped off on my stoop, cards in the mail, emails, and phone calls from friends just checking in. I really think this is how people make it through tragic situations. It provides a little lift in the day. Thank you, friends.
My kids get so excited about things like these cookies. I love that about them. They all planned out when they are going to eat their cookies. Everyone opted for today after school. My friend, being ever so smart, sent 6 cookies, one for each of us. She used to work for a dog bakery, baking doggie treats at home. That is so cute and she is a wonderful baker, knitter, mother to Kaitlyn and she is beautiful inside and out.
That's my gift, but boy do I have some gifts for you, too, my dear readers. My friend Jill has so graciously transformed 3 patterns of mine into printable pdf files for you. They are free and I will put them up on the sidebar as soon as I find a little more time. In the mean time here they are as links: elefante, 45-minute mittens, and the page 81 booties. Jill has a wonderful etsy shop with fun knitting related note cards and other cute items. You just have to check out her finished elefante and her new blog. She works at a local yarn shop in Michigan where they are going to have a class on making an elefante! I think that is so fun. Thanks to Jill for her friendly support and providing these gifts to anyone interested.
Here are a few more gifts I purchased when visiting with my sweet friend, peaknit, here last weekend. I am finally getting some steam back in my knitting I am happy to report. On the left is some Cilantro from Nashua yarns enough for a child-size sweater, in the middle Crystal Palace Cotton Chenille for something little and squishy, felting needles and size 11 dpns, and on the right is one of my staples Rowan Handknit Cotton in some great boy colors, a little pink and purple and just enough for a chocolatey bunny of some sort. Good yarn-y fun for me. I am working away on new projects, not just for babies but for kids, teens and adults as well.
Itty-bitty is branching out, just a little though, because I can never get enough of that baby knitting.
best, susie
p.s. I know the Paula Deen Lemon Blossoms recipe link didn't work a couple of posts ago and I tried many times. Sorry about that. If you go to and type in Lemon Blossoms you will get that recipe in a jiffy. You probably already knew that anyway! I'm telling you, this recipe is to die for and it's easy.


  1. Oh, those cookies look just adorable! Almost too nice to eat ;-)
    I know I don't comment much, but you're in my thoughts every now and then. Feel hugged!

  2. Yummy cookies - aren't friends wonderful!

    Yummy yarn too :)

  3. Wow! Those cookies look like art - but good enough to eat for sure:) I love the skads of new yarn for your collection - looks like I missed your shop-o-rama! How I got out with just a limeade is beyond me:) Could be all that darn on-line yarn buying huh?!

    Take care!

  4. thank you for the gifts...especially your friendship! :)
