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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

tubey, or not to be

Hi Knitters!

Did any of you make Tubey from I did. I was intrigued by the construction of the design. When you've been knitting as long as I have and you see new construction in sweater design, you simply have to make that sweater. I had tons of single skeins of Noro Cash Iroha sitting in my studio which was a perfect choice for this Tubey. I had fun knitting this little gem, no seams, fast, fast, fast in the round knitting. It is a cute sweater.

The problem is that it doesn't fit comfortably. It pinches under the arms! I took painstaking care to get the correct measurement before I started the project to determine what size to make. I actually had my mom measure me. I had to stretch my arms out in front or something like that and measure armpit to armpit. Sorry mom! I like the sweater so much, I dislike the fit even more. Also, it is not good for the old undergarments. It is cut too far open to the shoulders at the neckline. To solve that a top or cami underneath or even a crisp white blouse would cover that up. None of these fit comfortably with the pinchy armpits.

It is a sad tale I have to tell about my tubey delight. I think I will rip, rip, and more rip! I made it a year ago and have worn it once. It is time to go and that Cash Iroha is too fantastic to waste. I think I may make the Hourglass sweater from Last Minute Knitted Gifts, by Joelle Hoverson instead. The colors are good and the stripes, the best. It should be redone in a more wearable form, no?

I'll leave you on a positive note! I looooove this Namaste bag I got a little while ago. It is fantastico! Chic, huge, pockety, black, shoulder totey, you name it, it's here. Get one for yourselves quick.

best, susie

p.s. If you are reading this from a warm spot, you wouldn't believe the weather here. It was something like 40 below yesterday, no school for the kids which is unheard of in Madison. We're a tough crowd when it comes weather. Our school district now closes when it hits 35 below. The last time the schools were closed for coldness was in 1994 when it was a 70 below wind chill. Brrrrrr, all the better for knitting...


  1. Across Lake Michigan from you and schools here have been closed too - over two feet of snow and 30 below wind chills... would love to be home knitting today. Love your new bag too.

  2. Ripping out is fun - except of course when the stitches get all mashed together - like on the scarf that I made for my husband one year but he never thought it was long enough and so he kept asking for extensions which I would do but never liked and so this winter I decided that instead of adding onto something that made me cringe i should just rip it all out and start over.

  3. believe it or not I am in the middle of knitting tubey...I started it about 6 months ago! I've been busy. :) Sorry to hear it's a bad fit! :( Should I finish mine?

    BTW, thank you for the sweet comments above. Also, I still have that kids vogue knitting mag you posted below. I love it!
