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Monday, January 15, 2007

Knitty Gritty Inspiration

Hi Knitters!

I have been trying to catch Knitty Gritty on HGTV if I am thinking about it during the week and I am home. I think the set is great. One of the best decor ideas is that huge bowl of yarn balls on the coffee table in front of the knitsters. I have had my eye on that for awhile. I decided this morning to create my own bowl of yarn balls. I took some of my Manos and Blue Sky Alpaca bulky and wound it into large, squishy balls. I tossed them into my giant green bowl and I have a quick and awesome centerpiece! I will move the bowl from this table to put on my family room coffee table. Everything is oversized and overstuffed in that room, the bowl will fit right in. I think it looks like candy!

Well, that's my yarn related fun for the morning. I am off to relish in our new fluffy white snowfall! It's really only about 4 inches, but it is better than nothing.

best, susie

1 comment:

  1. I love the yarn bowl too!! It had never occurred to me to make one for my living room. Great idea. Although it may make me too tempted to start casting on for new things. :)
