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Monday, December 11, 2006

Knit One, Eat Two

Hi Knitters!

I happened to check out the new winter Knitty issue yesterday, and I had to knit Center Square by London Nelson. What a great hat! I ran out and picked up some Julia by Kristin Nicholas at a shop close to my house. The yarn is used doubled throughout so it is a quick knit, and I mean quick. I made it up this morning, and the result is terrific. I am tempted to keep it because it is so warm with that double-thick yarn and the fair isle stranding on the inside. I will most likely give it for another gift, I just like to dream for a bit. Find this pattern and many other fantastic knits at

The other morning treat I enjoyed are these spectacular Honey Crisp apples. I lucked into these at a local market because I thought the season had run out and there they were. These apples have the perfect amount of sweetness and crunch. I've been eating them dipped in cinnamon-raisin cream cheese for breakfast. Yum!

Gotta run!

best, susie


  1. heya susan!

    thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice message! your blog is great and man oh man do I love that broken tile work you've got going on in your backgrounds!

  2. Oh THAT hat?! It is fabulous! And I love your backsplash - I think the focus was the yummy apples - but what a neat and creative backsplash job! Bravo!

  3. i'm so glad you posted a pic with your backsplash. Ever since I listened to your craftsanity interview I've been thinking about it! :) I love it!
