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Sunday, December 17, 2006

8 Days

Hi Knitters!

My daughter is keeping a countdown to Christmas on a large chalkboard I have in my kitchen. Every morning she changes the number and announces to me how many days are left. I love her enthusiasm but it is making me panic a bit. I am not ready, yikes! I still have that manuscript haunting my every move. I am making good progress with just a few days to go on that. There are too many countdowns going on right now!

In knitting news, I have started some needle felting. It is pretty fun. I made some dots on this felted bag I had made awhile ago. It is an easy way to add some color and interest to your fabric. You'll be seeing more of this from me in the future. I see a lot of possibilities.

I heard from Robin Armstrong that the Knitting for Noggins charity hat drive has currently collected 24,000 hats! This is incredible. She also said they have collected donations from 22 states. I can't get over the success of this project. It's pretty darn impressive. I thought the original goal of 10,000 hats sounded like high number.

Well, off I go to make the cutest marshmallow snowmen with my girls for their classes at school tomorrow. I will share these little creations with you later. This is a project even little kids can really do with just a little adult help, it's the perfect recipe. The snowmen are a sweet tradition at our house every year. The kids love it and it's good winter fun!

best, susie


  1. One I tried felting I couldn't stopped! And I am doing it my hands (thank you rubber gloves). There is something amazing in felting ptogres (plusyou can hide some mistakes).
    Love refreshed bag!

  2. I just can't believe there is now another thing I have to try - I love it, it turned our fabulous! I have a new Noni bag pattern on the way, I can see some circles embellishing it quite nicely. Thank you!
