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Friday, January 04, 2008

Rainbow Connection

Hi Knitters,
Do you have something in your life that pulls you in? I do, colors. Recently I have been sorting through boxes of stored items and memorabilia from my childhood and teen years and I have been surprised by some of the things I have found. One common thread that I guess I collected, although I have no conscious thought of collecting, is the rainbow. I loved rainbows growing up. Doesn't that kind of make sense now? I guess I forgot about my rainbow love, it totally left my mind.

Being a child of the 60's and 70's I had access to plenty of rainbows, free to be you and me all the way. I had rainbow hats, shirts, suspenders (oh yeah I did, Gallagher!), stickers, room decorations and more. I even painted a rainbow going across the cork bulletin board I had hanging in my bedroom, still have that, too. I found a decoration that hung from a hook on my ceiling that my dad bought me that was a needlepoint rainbow with ribbons hanging down with beads on the ends. It is so funny. I had a rainbow decal on my bedroom window that is still there.

The hat above was my favorite ski hat from the mid-70's. What a fantastic hat, I love everything about it. This is going to be my next design inspiration for sure. Look at the way the rainbow stripes are raised ridges, I know just the technique for that. I wore this everywhere, everyday for years and look at the great condition it is still in. And that pom-pom is on fire! Too good for words. Oh my goodness, the more I write about the rainbow hat, the more I can't stand how good and perfect it is. Look out, I have no control, it's a comin'. I am thoroughly obsessed again.
Now that I look with an awareness of my rainbow love, I see that I have a pure and simple attraction to colorful stripey patterns of all sorts. Trekking XXL rainbow socks? You bet. In fact, I must admit that these are my most favorite socks I have ever knit. I wear and wash them constantly. They are thin so I can wear them comfortably under shoes. They are the perfect length and the smooth stockinette stitch...also perfect. Rainbow perfection. Sing it with me, Kermit.
One last example of recent rainbow love is the Gap sweater I bought my daughter for Christmas. Guess what, she doesn't love it. I made her try it on yesterday and she put on a sad face while I rolled up the sleeves. I think this sweater is adorable, comfy, great, great colors and she is not thrilled. I rarely buy sweaters, almost never, but it was $29 and I couldn't resist. Oh well, maybe it will grow on her. If it was big enough I would wear it. I need to knit her a new sweater as she has outgrown all of her handknit creations at this point. I know she would love a sweater I made her. Lesson learned.
On another note about shopping, I hardly ever shop and I maybe head into the mall near my house once or twice a year and then it is only for a certain item, never to wander. I feel so weird and out of place in a shopping mall. I don't know what it is. I look at the other shoppers and all of the stores and the loud music and bright lights and I just don't get it. Even at the Gap I feel like I don't belong there. I need to just make my own rainbows I guess, not shop for them.
A couple exciting things happened yesterday. Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood posted the interview I did for her Craftsanity podcast. It is such a fun, short interview, about 25 minutes. Her 2 and 3-year-old daughters were with us at the Grand Rapids public library. The 3-year-old, Abby, chattered and chirped through the entire interview and I loved every minute of it! Her 2-year-old, Amelia, slept peacefully in the stroller as we talked. The sound isn't the best, but it is a fun talk. I truly enjoy Jennifer and she is the perfect example of a young working mother pursuing her dreams. She is the real deal.
The other thing is that I was interviewed for an associated press article along with Debbie Stoller. Here is the link for the short article if you are interested. It may show up in your local paper at some point down the road.
That's all for now, knitters. I am going to enjoy this last Friday and weekend with my kids off from school. I always feel sad when they head back to school and I am left with a quiet house. That means I have no excuse not to get work done.
Rainbow love to all.
best, susie