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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Hen of the Woods Mittens

Hi, Knitters,
How are you doing today? We have a fresh covering of snow and we're supposed to get several more inches of snow today. Not great for mid-April but I think it will melt away quickly. Spring will come, it is inevitable. With the snowy, cold weather here to stay for a little longer, I have released a new mitten pattern and kit. But actually, mitten-knitting is a great project year round. 

The new design is called Hen of the Woods mittens and the pair is made out of some beautiful worsted weight gray 100% American Wool we received on cones. It is limited-edition wool. I think you will love it. We have created lovely mitten kits over on Barrett Wool Co. if you are interested. These have been selling quickly already.

The Hen mittens use the Waiting for Winter mitten pattern along with my new blog post instructions on Barrett Wool Co. Journal.

Hen of the Woods is actually a textured grayish mushroom that grows at the base of oak trees. I fell in love with the name of these mushrooms and thought it perfect for the name of the mittens. 

Have a great Sunday, Knitters. I'll be back soon with more.
xo ~ susan