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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Pine Star Hat Kits by Mary Jane Mucklestone

All photos of the Pine Star Hat on the model are by Carrie Bostick Hoge

Hi, Knitters,
I hope you are doing well. We've had a couple of celebration dinners this week, well, three to be exact, for my husband's birthday. That's a lot of birthday celebrating I'd say but it's been really fun and we've been having some delicious meals. Last night we had a family cookie exchange and that was wonderful. I made some old standards using my mom's recipes but the kids made some new cookie recipes. Anyway, I've eaten way too many cookies! 

Well, I just wanted to touch base today to let you know we have some fantastic new hat kits in the shop over on Barrett Wool Co. and this one is designed by one of my favorite knitters in the world, Mary Jane Mucklestone. She is the queen of colorwork and this new hat is knit in our beautiful, squishy Wisconsin Woolen Spun Worsted. 

Click here to see more about the Pine Star Kit! These kits are easy on the pocketbook, too!

The kits were released on Friday night and they have been flying out of the shop at a very fast pace. We had a lot of kits in stock but it looks like they may not last too long. 

I love how dainty the colorwork is in this design. There is a lot of white space and it looks so fresh. I also love the name Pine Star. It is all kind of perfect but that's Mary Jane for you. She is kind of perfect in every way just like her designs. 

We have two different colorways of the kit. The first two photos are hats worked up in the Oats and Hawthorn colors and there is a deeper contrast. The hat above is worked in the colors of Rain Shower and Coal. These colors have a softer more heathered look to them.

I cast on a Pine Star for myself and I am making the one above with the Rain Shower and Coal colors. I love the heathered yarn. Both kit colorways are beautiful.

I am crazy about the tiny pom-pom Mary Jane put on the top. It is so cute. 

A Ravelry download code for the pattern is included in the kit.

A Ravelry download code for the pattern is included in the kit.

Happy New Year to you all! I can't believe it's going to be 2018 tomorrow. Time is flying by at a faster pace than I ever imagined possible. I hope you are doing well and that your knitting is keeping you company and also keeping you warm during this bitter cold winter stretch.

I appreciate your support and friendship here on the blog, as always, and I am sending it right back to you. I'll see you next year right here on the blog.
xo ~ susan