Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Saturday, September 30, 2017


Hi, Knitters,
I hope you are doing well. All of a sudden it seems like a lot is going on but that's expected when knitting is your game and the high knitting season has arrived.

First, I want you to know that late yesterday we posted the long-awaited Branches & Buds Sweater Kits again on Barrett Wool Co. This is our most popular kit and we can't keep it in stock! They are already going super fast.

The pattern and design is by the incredibly talented Carrie Bostick Hoge of Maddermade and Making Magazine. It has been so much fun offering these kits with Carrie! The size range is really good and the Wisconsin Woolen Spun yarn literally makes the sweater come to life. I have been wearing mine non-stop, pretty much every day.

Here is a quick photo of the Branches & Buds Sweater Kit from Barrett Wool Co. I promise you will love it as much as I do. It's fun to knit and fun to wear.

The next announcement I have is a big and exciting one! I have a new book, both digital and printed, that has just been released through Quince & Co. I have worked on this project for quite a few years and to see it finalized in this fantastic book format is such a treat. The digital download ebook is available now. The printed book is up for pre-order right now over on Quince & Co. I think the printed book will be out on October 5th (which happens to be my birthday, what a gift!).

Quince & Co. is very much so the nicest company on earth. I LOVE working with them, they are smart, kind, knowledgeable, and everyone is incredibly talented and artistic. I can't say enough good things about this company. It is an honor and a privilege to get to work with Quince in any capacity. Thank you, Quince & Co., for bringing my work to life in such a charming and easy to read way. 

Here is a description of the book from Quince & Co.:
Susan B. Anderson’s book, Kindred Knits: Knitting For Little Ones Near And Far is more than just a pattern book—in addition to the sweet variety of cardigans and other accessories for babies, the book includes a thorough primer in the construction of a basic cardigan pattern, fully annotated and illustrated, plus a tutorial on using a child’s tee to measure, calculate and knit a custom cardigan pattern that is guaranteed to fit the recipient. A pattern for tiny sweater ornaments is also included! Every project is worked in worsted-weight wool Lark. This fun book is available in print+pdf and is a treasure to have on the knitter’s bookshelf.
Preorder now and download the ebook immediately! Print expected to ship October 5th.

Just one more thing about the Kindred Knits book. The size range of the little sweaters and hat go from newborn to 24-months but the techniques and know-how to make a cardigan in any size using a tee-shirt for measurements is invaluable. You can be across the country from the intended baby or child and if you know the size they wear, you can knit a sweater for them that will fit. There are worksheets and guides that will help you knit an incredible cardigan in any size. And there are fully illustrated step-by-step tutorials included. It's a really good resource of information.

Also, my artwork is sprinkled throughout the book and that is super fun for me! I have a secret dream to be an illustrator so it is a thrill.

My last announcement is that I am teaching at Vogue Knitting Live in New York City in January 12-14, 2018! The classes have just gone up and I hope if you are able to attend, please consider taking one or all of my classes. I would just love to see any of you in person. This is one of my most favorite events of the year. You can't beat gathering with thousands of knitters in the best city in the world, NYC!

Alright, my loves, I will be back soon with more. I love this little blog and I appreciate you checking in with me. Have a wonderful weekend.
xo ~ susan