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Monday, December 05, 2016

Snow Day

Hi, Knitters,
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Ours was filled with family time, fires in the fireplace, and good food. Before I start I want to give a quick reminder that today is the last day for my holiday pattern sale which is a discount of 20% off my entire Susan B. Anderson Ravelry Pattern Store (click here to see the pattern shop).
The discount code is: HOLIDAY2016
The sale includes all of the pattern and ebooks in my shop at the link above.

Now onto the topic of the day.

It finally snowed yesterday. It was exciting and extraordinarily beautiful outside. The snow came down most of the day. I couldn't wait to get out for a long hike with my husband and daughter and then later for a good run by myself. I stopped a lot to take photos during these two ventures out in the winter wonderland and I want to share them with you today. 

It was quiet and so was the color pallet. I soaked it all in.


I was struck by the birds flitting about so actively in the dried prairie grasses. I'm sure they were eating the seeds. Rarely do you see birds like this in December but they made the view incredibly pretty. You have to look kind of hard to see the birds but there were probably at least a dozen of them. 

The rest of the photos are from my snowy outings yesterday and I thought you might enjoy them. It was so quiet and gray outside that when you look around it makes you feel like you have a filter on your eyes. 

Have a great Monday and week ahead, friends. I'll be back soon with more. If you live in a snowy area, has it snowed yet? I look forward to this time of year and I hope you do, too.

One more question, how is your holiday knitting going? I am not able to devote a lot of time to gift knitting this year but I keep thinking about it so maybe I'll squeeze in a couple of gifts yet. 

I'd love to hear how you're doing out there. 
Take care and I'll be back soon with more.
xo ~ susan