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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Kids' Knitting Workshop in Action!

Hi, Knitters,
I had the sweetest email with some great photos arrive in my inbox. I had to share it with you, with permission, of course. The sender of the email, Liz, has received permission from the parents of the kids to share the photos here on my blog. 

Anyway, I will let Liz tell you her story with knitting and kids and using my book, Kids' Knitting Workshop as a guide. Here's Liz!

So cute!

"I wrote you last week about using your new book to teach knitting to our home school, 9-11 years old, at our co-op. Our co-op meets on Thursdays for a day of classes for tots-high school. The first semester knitting class didn't go as well, but my son gave me your new book (star for him!!) for Christmas and I knew right away it would be great to use. The kids have really taken off! I started with 12 sets of circulars and cast on for the little hats. Along with that, I knit a row or two to get them going. Success! 

At lunchtime, I barely have time to eat anymore, as I have knitters bringing me their projects to look at, help with, or share smiles over. I've given them my text number, and have received many videos and photos with questions via the phone. We talk it out and review the photos then knit some more. By Thursday, they always have something great to show me. I have a wonderful assistant, Coleen, who has learned to knit also and we recruited another gal when we found out she could knit.

I did get permission from all the parents to give you the photos and you may use them. Oh my--the kids would be so excited!! 

As I tell them every week- Knit on!!

Liz Deluhery"

It's me again. I just love the look of pride in the faces of the kids in the photos. It's so exciting to see the book in action.  Thank you, Liz, for sharing this experience with me. I love your success story! You are an inspiration, Liz.

All of the photos of the kids have been provided by Liz Deluhery.


What a beautiful hat!

I love the photo above so much. What great colors in the yarn for the hat.

A little untangling going on there maybe? It takes patience to teach knitting for sure.

You can feel the focus.

Looking good!

I love to see those little fingers working the yarn and needles. Wonderful!

Such pride! It looks fantastic.

It's so good to see generations working together to pass on the knitting.

Finished with a pom-pom on top! It's perfection.

The knitting even continues on after the class, the perfect end to a busy day. 

Liz, you made my day. Please say hi to the kids from me and tell them how proud I am of their knitting. 

If anyone else has a success story, please let me know about it. I'd love to hear about how people are using Kids' Knitting Workshop out in the world. Also, if you are on Instagram please use #kidsknittingworkshop so we can all see the projects and fun you are having with kids and knitting and the book.

I'll be back soon with more. I hope you are all having a great week.
xo ~ susan