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Friday, August 22, 2014

Project Sweater Chest

Hi, Knitters,
As it may reach 90 degrees with high humidity today of course I am sorting out heavy wool sweaters in my cedar chest. Doesn't that make sense? I knew you'd understand.

My lovely mother bought this cedar chest for me well over 20 years ago, maybe even closer to 30 years ago. I love it so much. I have stored my handknit wool sweaters in here ever since. But I  have come to the end of my storage space as you can see. I can barely shut the lid. I have no idea how many handknit sweaters and cardigans are in the chest, layer after layer. It is a deep chest.

The cedar chest clearly needs some clearing out, sorting, repurposing. I have gotten rid of some of my handknit sweaters and cardigans throughout the years, but there are some I just can't part with. No matter how dated the style and goofy my knitting was at the time there is something endearing about those old and early handknits. What to do?

I am going to embark on some sort of Project Sweater Chest but I have no idea exactly what that will entail at this point. I need more handknit sweaters and cardigans that are current and that I wear day in and day out. I have about 7 or 8 favorites at this point. (And believe me I have had many flops throughout the years.) Being in the cold, harsh winter climate that Wisconsin offers 7 sweaters is about a week's worth of wear. I think if I had about a dozen cozy sweaters in rotation it would be ideal. Or maybe 14 handknit sweaters, two weeks worth, would be perfect. Yes.

Does a baker's dozen sound like too much? Does it sound greedy? I think in my frozen winter climate that might be a reasonable number of cozy sweaters to have on-hand. I am the queen of wearing the same thing over and over and over again. My kids always ask me, "Didn't you wear that yesterday?" And I always respond, "Why yes I did and probably the day before that, too." I get favorites and I'll wash and wear those favorites to death. I wear handknits like this, too. 

In fact, I don't have a big wardrobe in general. If you have met me teaching a workshop or two or have seen me in photos teaching you will notice that I most often wear a black t-shirt, jeans (sometimes a skirt), clogs, handknit socks if it's cold, and some sort of cardigan either a thin one from the Gap if it's warm or a handknit cardigan or sweater in colder months. This makes packing super quick and simple, necessary for the survival of the traveling teacher.

Anyway, let me know what you think about Project Sweater Chest. I'd love to hear any sweater-knitting plans you have in store.

One last thing, I changed the header on my blog this week. It is now a sweet little water color I painted awhile back. I think it is a refreshing change. It is simple with lots of white space. 

Have a lovely weekend, Knitters. Here's to handknit sweater dreaming.....
xo ~ susan