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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Patchwork Finale

Hi, Knitters,
I have thoroughly enjoyed knitting my Quaere Fibre socks in the Patchwork colorway. They are finished. Hooray! These socks boast a 10-color stripe repeat. I think this is one of my most favorite pair of hand knit socks to date. The yarn is wonderful, both the dyeing and the base. The yarn is a 2-ply and has a slight texture. I want to knit more socks with Quaere sock yarn for sure.

The Patchwork colorway (Note: I had around a 400 yard skein, some of the skeins are 600 yards) is made up of 10 1/4" stripes of the following colors when knit at 8"/64sts on a US1:
Dark Purple
Grass Green
Light Blue

This yarn incorporates all the goodness of a 2 ply with the strength of nylon. It is super soft and has a round, cabled appearance. 

I see that the Quaere shop has this colorway up for pre-order now and again. You could contact the Janel, the owner, and ask if you are interested in the yarn.

I have posted about this pair of socks quite a bit in all states of finishing, here are some of the links to see the socks in progress:

I used my Signature Needles dpns, 6 -inch length, US size 1/2.25mm and my free How I make my socks pattern. The cuff is 6-inches long and I did 12 rounds of 2x2 rib. 

Have a lovely weekend.
xo ~ susan