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Tuesday, January 07, 2014

The Great Stash Sale Continues...

Hi, Knitters,
We have now been to the post office four times, each time with a bin filled with packed orders of yarn and surprises. My eBay shop, yarnsale, is stocked up again tonight. There will only probably be a couple more updates.

I set up my winder today and went to town making some Magic Cakes (different yarns joined with the Magic Knot and wound into one cake) that you could use to make Paula Emons-Fuessle's Magic Cake Ruffle Shawl pattern. Remember my Magic Cake Ruffle Shawl? I added in some extra special fingering weight yarns that I thought you would enjoy. You don't have to make this shawl, you could make a different shawl, a cowl, a hat, socks, a scarf, etc.

The Magic Cake above is filled with all sorts of indie-dyed yarns like Cakewalk, and Koigu (the purple on the outside is leftover from the Hippo in Itty-Bitty Toys) and some commercial sock yarns, too. Much of the yarn I have in the shop is leftover from various design projects and book projects.

Things are flying out so fast! Here are a couple of the other Magic Cakes (the ones with the extra cake is for the ruffle for the Magic Cake Ruffle Shawl):

There are other yarns in the shop. Some of the yarns are discontinued, some are not, some are unique, some are standard. All are beautiful, well-kept and loved. It feels so good to know that this lovely yarn is going to knitterly homes.

This unusual skein is lace weight wool with strung felt balls in autumnal colors! I bought this at a Madison Knitters Guild meeting from a local vendor. It's beautiful! Free shipping on this item.

Check it out if you are interested. My stash is depleting quickly. I am only going to be posting a few more groups of listings over the next few days and then it will be over!

Click here to see what's still in the eBay shop, yarnsale!

Thanks for the wonderful support. You are always such a fun group, game for anything! I appreciate you all.
best, susie