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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Yarnology & Dropcloth Sampler Giveaway!

(Embroidery fiber from Dyed Fiber on Etsy)
Hi, Knitters,
Please read (or scroll) all the way through to the end today. I know it is long but there is good information and opportunity for you all the way through.

I am so excited to finally get up to Winona, Minnesota this Thursday, June 27th, 2013! I will be at Yarnology from 6-8pm. I will bring lots of samples from my new book, Topsy-Turvy Inside Out Knit Toys and a few (or a lot of) extras. Also, my Egg to Turtle free pattern card will be available for those attending the event. If you are in the area, please stop in. I'd love to see you at Yarnology!

65 East Third St.
Winona, Minnesota
(507) 474-9444

I had a great and brief time at TNNA last weekend. I was in Ohio less than 24 hours. I had two book signings on Sunday, one with Unicorn Books and another with R&M. Both signings went well. Thanks for stopping by! The other big thing was that the pattern for Little Dragon is now available for yarn shops to order from Unicorn. Little Dragon was featured on the cover of the Unicorn Fall 2013 catalog which was fun to see. 

While at TNNA I got to briefly see old friends, Suzette and Alison from The Wool Cabin, Brandy Fortune, Angela Tong, Craig from LoopKristin Nicholas (click here to see a photo of us together), and Leslie and Laura of The Knit Girllls. Plus, I met some new friends, the owners Lisa and Kris, from Cream City Yarn in Milwaukee.   

Now onto today's topic, embroidery! I love embroidery and have dabbled with it since I was a kid. We used to get those Holly Hobby kits, in fact, I still have one that hasn't been finished. It's probably 40 years old by now. I have done cross stitch and needlepoint, too. I enjoy hand-stitching so much but I haven't done much of it in recent years. That is until I found Rebecca Ringquist. Do you know her?

Here are Rebecca's links:
Rebecca Ringquist on Creativebug (I have taken 3 of Rebecca's online classes, Embroidery Sampler, Layered Floral Embroidery, and Embroidery Transfer Techniques - all of them fantastic!)

Run to all of these links! 

Not too long ago, before finding out about Rebecca, I had pulled out a piece of washed wool felt and some embroidery floss and just started stitching. I love busy, messy embroidery that appears without rhyme or reason. I started in with my stitches without any intention. I loved it but had to put it down because of work knitting.

Then I somehow ran across Rebecca's work and her Etsy shop and my urge to embroider took over. I quickly ordered the Dropcloth Sampler and waited impatiently for it to arrive. In the meantime I took Rebecca's wonderful Embroidery Sampler class in preparation. I learned so much, it's really incredible. I have stitched for years and years, however, this simple and fairly short class blew me away. I eagerly stitched along on my Dropcloth Sampler as I watched each stitch segment in the class again and again. I have watched each segment multiple times. The small tips and tricks you can learn from an expert are truly astounding. I am a changed embroiderer.

Rebecca is an amazing, charming, clear and relaxing teacher. I highly recommend her online courses. 

After I received my Dropcloth Sampler I couldn't put it down. I happily stitched all weekend. I ended up making my sampler into a sketchbook holder but it could also be a knitting needle holder. I love it so much and I can't remember having so much fun with another craft in a long, long time.

Here is what my finished sampler looks like:


The swirly blue chain stitch fabric is by Betz White!

Isn't it beautiful? I love the fabric and the linen backing. Rebecca is brilliant. I love that while practicing the stitches I could add in my own ideas and embellishments. Rebecca kept saying more is more and I completely agree when it comes to embroidery.

Giveaway Information:

Now for the best part! You can leave a comment on this post to enter to win your own unstitched Dropcloth Sampler from Rebecca's Etsy shop! In addition, Rebecca has generously offered to throw in her new Color Wheel Sampler (click here to see it!) for a second winner. I'm so excited for you. Please leave one comment on this post along with an email address or your rav id so I can get in touch.

After finishing my sampler sketchbook cozy I came back to my wool felt embroidery and made it into a needle holder. I put two pieces of washed wool felt together to create a needle book.

Now I load up my needles before I sit to stitch and I am ready to go!

Here is the back of the needle book. This needle book has been the greatest thing ever for my stitching. I love it!

I also stitched a linen bookmark that is going to be a gift. 

I backed it with some fabric and zig-zagged and sewed the edges to eliminate fraying. It turned out so good. I have ordered some more of Rebecca's Dropcloth designs to work on, too. 

It's so good to have a break from the knitting now and again. It is rejuvenating somehow.

Now enter away! You will have so much fun with Rebecca's work, I just know it.

Good luck.
best, susie
p.s. A photo p.s. is a first but here it is:

Please hop over and check out the beautiful ceramic work of Nancy Walker. I met her in Seattle at Vogue Knitting Live where her lovely daughter, Amanda, took one of my classes. I purchased one of Nancy's shawl pins with a rooster imprinted on the front and knit stitches imprinted on the back. It has become my favorite shawl pin and it is the only thing I bought at VKLive. These pins, called Talking Clay, are very unique. Click here for the brand new Talking Clay Etsy Shop! You will love the shawl pins and Nancy!