Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Monday, February 25, 2013

Knitting Pipeline Retreat & Seattle Knitters Guild!

Hi, Knitters,
As my book release and book tour is getting closer, exciting new opportunities keep popping up. I've added two more dates to my upcoming appearances. The Egg to Turtle free pattern card will be available at all of these upcoming events if you are interested.

On Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013, I was invited to speak at the Seattle Knitters Guild! This is perfect because I am just going to fly into Seattle a day early for Vogue Knitting LiveApril 5-7th! My new book, Topsy-Turvy Inside-Out Knit Toys, will be available to purchase and for signing at the meeting. The book isn't even going to be released yet so this means these will be preview copies. Please contact the guild for more information about the meeting. What an honor to be asked. Thank you to the Seattle Knitters Guild.

Click here for the Seattle Knitters Guild website!  I am speaking from 7-8pm and will have a short book signing immediately following. Bring your other books for me to sign as well if you'd like. 

Click here to register for classes for Vogue Knitting Live Seattle! I hope to see you there. I am so excited about my classes for this event. There are still openings available.

Another newly added stop is that I am attending the Knitting Pipeline Retreat on April 26th and 27th, 2013! I am so excited about this one. I love Paula Emons-Fuessle or PrairiePiper (rav id) from the Knitting Pipeline Podcast.  It is one of the most sincere and informative audio-podcasts around. You should listen if you don't already. Paula announced that I am coming to her retreat on the podcast last week so now I can tell you all about it here.

The Knitting Pipeline Retreat is in Washington, Illinois, and there are still openings available as I understand it. This may be filling up so act quickly if you are interested in coming to the retreat. I'm not teaching at this event, I am simply attending as a guest. I will bring the trunk show for my new book and will be available to sign books so bring your books to the event if you'd like them signed. I would love to sign them for you.

The other April event (it is going to be a very busy month), is that I am teaching at the Loopy Ewe Spring Fling, April 18th - 21st! I am also flying in a day early to do a book signing, trunk show and meet and greet (open to the public) at the Loopy Ewe Yarn Shop before the event. My event at the yarn shop is Wednesday, April 17th, 2013 and the shop is in Ft. Collins, Colorado. This is great because the retreat is full already but I am happy that I'll be able to meet and sign books for anyone interested in the area.

If you are planning on stopping by the Loopy Ewe shop on April 17th click here for the location and contact information. Please let Sheri, the owner, know if you are planning on stopping by and to get more details.

April is going to be a whirlwind but I can't wait! So the schedule in a nutshell is this:
March 9th - Teaching two workshops (Top-Down Baby Cardigan and String a Long Toys) at the Madison Knitters Guild Knit-In! Click here for more information.
April 3rd - 7th: Seattle Knitters Guild (contact the guild if you are planning on attending) and Vogue Knitting Live Seattle
April 17th - 21st: The Loopy Ewe Yarn Shop appearance and the Loopy Ewe Spring Fling in Ft. Collins, Colorado
April 26th and 27th - Knitting Pipeline Retreat! in Washington, Illinois

Now onto to general knitting and other topics. I finished writing up the patterns, charts and handouts for my Fair Isle Two-handed Hat class I am teaching at Vogue Knitting Live and other places coming up. That was a ton of work but I feel really good about it. I might try to squeeze in a couple more patterns before I teach if time allows. Knitting Fair Isle hats is truly addicting and fun. 

I used a new charting making software called Knit Visualizer. It is a great program for creating your own charts if you are interested. I am still learning the ins-and-outs but I did create some good, clear charts for this new class. That felt like an accomplishment.

The next class I am tackling is the Build-a-Toy Workshop. I spent the weekend working on, knitting and designing bodies, heads, legs, arms and tails for the students to put together to create their own knit toys. I've still got a ways to go but I'm very pleased with how this workshop is coming together. Lots of class sample knitting and pattern writing to conquer this week. More updates on this class soon!

For some personal knitting, I couldn't resist casting on for another new pair of handspun socks. I now have two different handspun socks going at the same time which is kind of fun. This one is from Moonshine Fiber Company roving (not sure if the shop is still open or just on hiatus). I got 462 yards of a fingering weight.

The sock in the photo above I started on two 16-inch circular needles to see if I would enjoy this technique. The answer? 


I didn't have any trouble with the two circular needle technique at all but after the rib and working about an inch down on the cuff I couldn't take it any longer. I quickly switched back to my trusty double-pointed needles. I am just so much faster on my dpns and I find it so much quicker and simpler. There isn't all of the sliding the stitches onto the needle and back on the cord. Plus the actual sock is much more flexible while you are knitting on dpns. The two circulars make the sock flat and immobile while you are working and this bothered me for some reason.  

Don't mind me if you enjoy your sock knitting on two circulars or any other technique, that's all good by me. It is always a good thing to try different techniques to see if they work for you or not. That's how we learn and grow as knitters.

I worked on my Sipsey's Folly sleeve #2 off and on last weekend. 

Needles are from here.

I have been wearing knitwear every single day this winter. I have been trying to share photos on Facebook and Instagram to show my daily knits which has been fun. Above is my Shalom cardigan (free pattern). I added sleeves and more buttons. It is knit in Cascade 128. This quick and simple cardigan has become a favorite. 

My other favorite is the Owls sweater by Kate Davies. I first knit this as a pullover and decided I'd much rather have it as a cardigan so I steeked it up the front, added button bands and buttons. Now I wear my Owls cardigan every week. I am so glad I didn't let it sit as a pullover. I was really sharing the cut and color for my hair the other day but I was wearing my Owls cardigan at the same time. 

I'll leave you today with some shots of snowy Madison. It's still a winter wonderland around here.

We stumbled upon this prairie snowman yesterday on our hike. I love it when people leave a quiet treat like this for others to enjoy. The face and hair are really the best. The teeth are some sort of dried seed pods. We are still enjoying winter but we are also getting anxious for spring at the same time. March is near.

Take care and have a wonderful start to your week.
best, susie