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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Patchwork Progress

Hi Knitters,
I finished my first pair of Patchwork Socks a couple of days ago. Make no bones about it, they are pretty darn fun and cute. These literally flew off the needles because the switching of the yarns is insanely motivating for some reason. I think partly because you have no idea how they will look in the end so that makes it more exciting along the way.

I have always loved the mismatched sock, mitten, glove... but these kind of take the cake.

I finished on a day where the temperature was over 90 degrees and humid but I wore them for a little while despite the heat. How could I resist?

I have cast on for my next pair using only Noro sock yarns in different colorways and these will be quite a different looking pair as I am using a different stripe sequence. I will tell you more about the new sock later once I get it going more.

The Patchwork Sockalong is going like gangbusters on my Ravelry group. I think we have close to 100 Patchwork Sockalong-ers at this time and the thread has over well over 1,000 posts so far. This is incredible to me. Thank you to everyone for so wholeheartedly joining in!

I have just been emailing a few of my favorite sock yarn-y people and have already lined up some amazing prizes for the drawing at the end of the sockalong. People are generous. Much more on this exciting news to come.

Here are the links:
Itty-Bitty Knits
How I make my socks (free pattern I am using)
The Patchwork Sockalong thread
My Patchwork Socks project page

I have a new book giveaway coming up next so be sure to keep your eye out.
best, susie