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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Patchwork Sockalong!

Hi Knitters,
Well, I am brimming with ideas about having this scrappy sockalong. I posted here about the socks I am knitting right now. This post also includes ideas and links for different ways to put together a pair of socks using your leftover sock yarn. It seems there is a lot of interest in this fun project which is always fun to see. There were many, many name ideas for these socks. Here are some of the name ideas you all came up with and they are all so good. Thank you, everyone!

Timeline Socks
Patchwork Socks
Memory Walk Socks
Scrappy Socks
Nostalgia Socks
Reminisce Socks
Time Warp Socks
Auld Lang Socks
Reflection Socks
Flashback Socks
Hold Dear Socks
Cotton Candy Socks
Storybrooke Socks
Daydreaming Socks
Time Traveler Socks

Any of these would be perfect but I think I will be using the simple name, Patchwork Socks, offered by Idiosyncraticeye in the last post's comments. Thank you. I love her ideas behind the word patchwork. Here is her post:

 idiosyncraticeye said...
I'm thinking of something along the lines of 'patchwork' because quilts traditionally are all about memories, saved scraps of fabrics from this or from that and also because of the sense of community involved in such works, something shared.

But memory patch sounds like a computer update.

May 11, 2012

As you can see, I am almost done with my second Patchwork sock. I used my pattern, How I Make My Socks, (click here for the pattern). I started with the 12 rounds of rib, then I switched the yarn and started the stockinette cuff where I switched colors every 10 rounds. I worked to about 6 1/2 inches from the cast on edge for the cuff and then switched the yarn for the heel flap and turning the heel. Then I went back to switching the yarn every 10 rounds for the foot. I switched again and finished the toe in one yarn.

I have a video tutorial on my Youtube Channel for how I weave in ends when I switch yarns. With socks I weave through around 8 purl bumps on the inside and I leave a little longer end when trimming. Everything else is the same.

Click here for the tutorial on weaving in ends!

Here is the group of yarns I used to complete my Patchwork Socks. The yarn on the far left is a special one. I knit the original pair of socks on my first book tour for Itty-Bitty Hats and I used a photo of the socks for the very first blog post I ever wrote. Click here to see the first post ever! Isn't that funny?Making these socks have really brought me back to some different times.

So here we go if you want to join in!

1. The Patchwork Sockalong starts now and will last through the last day of June, which is June 30th. It's okay if you already started and you can join in any time!

2. All you have to do to join in is knit a pair of socks or even one sock, any pattern you use is fine, and use only your leftover sock yarn from other projects. I am using my How I Make My Socks free pattern to make my socks, switching yarns every 10 rounds.

3. You have to post a photo of the scraps you are using and a photo of ONE finished sock to the Patchwork Sockalong thread in my Ravelry group (see link below) to qualify for prize drawings on July 1st. I will be gathering prizes for lots of winners but we will all win with our original Patchwork Socks that use up our sock yarn leftovers. Be sure to read the next guideline!

Click here for the Patchwork Sockalong thread in my Itty-Bitty Knits Ravelry Group!

Note: If you want to participate and you don't belong to Ravelry just send me your photos and I will post it in the thread so you are entered in the drawings. My email is on the blog sidebar. Please only do this if you are not a member of Ravelry (I know there are a few of you out there!).

4. Anyone who finishes a complete pair of socks (that means 2 socks) and posts a photo of them on the Ravelry thread by June 30th will get to select any one pattern from my Ravelry pattern shop as a gift from me in addition to being entered in the drawings for prizes.

I will have some fun surprises along the way and I will post about the prizes I gather for the drawings along the way!!!

Please feel free to comment on here and also on the Ravelry thread. I am planning on knitting more Patchwork Socks trying some different techniques so I will keep posting on the blog about my progress over the next few weeks.

I hope you join in! We will have some patchwork-y fun together.
best, susie