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Monday, May 07, 2012

Weekend Car Knitting

Hi Knitters,
All pertinent details mentioned in this post will be linked at the bottom.

I have randomly selected a winner for Wendy Bernard's Custom Knits Accessories. I have pm'd Laura on Ravelry. Congratulations! Thank you for entering everyone and I will host another giveaway very soon. I still have that enormous stack of books just waiting for review.... it's a fun problem to have. Here is the winning comment:

Blogger Laura said...
I would love a great reference book like that! So nice to have starting points to create your own patterns. :)
Ravelry: lauraarual
May 03, 2012

I have been cleaning out my studio lately or I should say digging out. I try so hard to keep organized but a knitting life is a clutter-filled life. Knitterly tools, books, magazines, patterns and mainly yarn start piling up and there is no way around it.  As I was de-cluttering I did find this bag I sewed a couple of years ago.

I took a plain canvas tote from JoAnn's and did some creative stitching and applique on it with my sewing machine. Then I made it reversible by making another pieced fabric layer for the bag. I added onto the straps to make them into shoulder straps, and I added two pockets as well. I love how the canvas tote makes the bag super sturdy. It is far from perfect but it's cute and it feels brand new since I forgot about it. I love a handmade project bag.

On Saturday we went to a swimming banquet in the Milwaukee area for my son so of course I had to load up my newly found bag with a couple of easy car knitting projects. I pulled out my Calligraphy Cardigan by Hannah Fettig. I am knitting this in Tosh DK in the Thunderstorm colorway on my Signature Needles, US size 6, 24-inch circulars.

I have in front of me a long stretch of 16-inches of stockinette stitch followed by 4-inches of rib. I did a couple of inches of stockinette below the armholes going back and forth. All of a sudden I realized that I should just add a steek so I could whip through this long stretch much faster. I added 6 stitches in between the fronts, attached it to work in the round. Now, off I go knitting around and around. I added a good couple of inches in the car before I ran out of yarn. I accidentally left a freshly wound cake of Thunderstorm sitting at home as I ran out the door. Frustrating.

After running out of the yarn for my sweater knitting I pulled out my trusty sock. You all remember this one. I added an inch or two on the foot. It's coming along to be just as beautiful as the first sock.

This weekend a surprise came in the mail. You know you're a lucky girl when you get a package from your knitting friend, Kristin Nicholas. I briefly mentioned her new sock yarn line, Garden Effects with Regia, a short while ago. Next thing I know I have two balls in the #3306 Holiday colorway in my mailbox. How good is that? Look at her cute postcard, too. You can buy them on her site. Gotta love that Kristin, she is the best. Can't wait to start a pair of socks with her gorgeous new yarn. Thank you, Kristin!

Okay, that's it for a small update on this fine May morning. Here's to hoping you are all well and knitting away this week!

Here are today's links:
Calligraphy Cardigan
Hannah Fettig
Tosh DK yarn
Signature Needles 
Cakewalk Yarns (My socks are the Cherry Blossom sock yarn.)
How I make my socks free pattern
Kristin Nicholas
Garden Effects Regia sock yarn

Now you can find everything you're interested in!
best, susie