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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Chirps from Ravelry

(photo by Zuza)
Hi Knitters,
I received a message on Ravelry from Zuza or Juliette, who lives in France. She wanted to share her first color work project with me. She took the Egg to Bluebird pattern, from Itty-Bitty Toys, and Easter-ized it with fantastic color!

I asked permission to share her adorable and colorful twist on this pattern and she said yes. I'd say her first color work is quite successful.

(photo by Zuza)

Aren't they cute? These birds look like candy or Peeps. I just love it when knitters throw in a new idea to a pattern. In case you don't know, the eggs turn inside out and become the little birds. Thank you for sharing, Zuza!

On another note, Nancy, the inventor of the Try-It-On Tubing I mentioned last week, contacted me on Ravelry with a fun update.  I thought you might enjoy her message (sharing with permission, of course):

Sent at 4:02 PM March 7, 2012
Hi Susan,
Monday morning started with a bang when at 5:30 a.m. I was awakened at by an earthquake centered in the Bay Area town 5 blocks away. No damage, but unsettling and I couldn’t go back to sleep. At 6:00, my cell phone started making the noise it does when a Paypal order comes through. Then, like popcorn, it sounded again and again and again. And it does that throughout the day, one tubing order after another. I did some scouting around on the Internet and traced the buzz to your blog and someone else’s post on a Ravelry forum.
Thank you so very much for your kind and favorable words about my tubing. It’s a simple product, but it does the trick. I used to use fish tank tubing, but it was only good for larger sized needles. I researched and started manufacturing it a number of years ago, but it has only recently picked up attention. It’s people like you that make that happen. Well I must go to pack more orders, but had to stop and thank their source.
With much appreciation,

One last knitterly update, I am working on the applied lace edging for Paula's Piper's Journey Shawl. I am knitting in Quince & Co.'s Chickadee (dk weight) in the Iceland colorway. It's so beautiful and the pattern is so well written. It's one of those simple but clever patterns which are usually the best kind of projects. The needles? I am doing a review on those coming up and I have a bunch of books to review and a couple to giveaway. 

Not to belabor the point, but I feel it is worth mentioning. Thank you to those continuing to vote in the Readers' Choice Favorite Knitting Blogger/Website Award nominations. I can't believe it! Thank you!! You can see the results so far by clicking here. It's kind of funny. The voting still goes on until March 21st so things could change but in the meantime, I appreciate you! I keep hearing from people and knitters and from my Itty-Bitty Knits Ravelry group who are voting everyday and that's such an appreciated effort.

best, susie
p.s. I just received the photos from my upcoming book and they are incredible! Liz Banfield strikes again with her amazing talents. I am so excited about it. Can't wait to share.