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Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Sunday Sort of Thing

Hi Knitters,
First off, thank you for the Another Flower Headband love! I can't believe how many patterns I have sold already in a couple of days. I debated even publishing the pattern and I am so glad I did and that  people are enjoying it.

Today is a lazy kind of Sunday and I just walked around and took a few shots of what's going on around my house as far as crafts go.

Above is a fun toy I am working on for my upcoming book. I have been knitting up a storm lately and honestly, I am having more fun than ever.

I have made good progress on the shawl design I am working on but this project has taken a backseat for the moment. I can't wait to wear it so I want to finish soon. The yarn is Madeline Tosh Pashmina. The feel of the fabric is divine. I can't wait to block this one out to get the full effect. It is a very simple half-circle shawl that is fun to knit.

I take pottery pieces from around my house to set my yarn cakes in and on as I work. It doesn't have to be a yarn bowl specifically to hold the yarn and keep it clean. I have all kinds of pottery pieces that I've collected through the years and it is a fun way to use and enjoy them. The yarn above is Quince & Co. Lark in Glacier. Isn't it pretty?

A couple of years ago I ordered two embroidered pillow kits from Kristin Nicholas. Click here for her shop! I don't know if she is still selling these kits. They are so much fun and I miss my stitching! I am definitely doing more stitching in this year ahead.

Here is the first pillow I finished some time ago. It is a family favorite and has held up quite well. The two pillows will look so cute together. Can't wait to finish this one, too.

Lastly, this gorgeous fiber is sitting on my window seat. I haven't been spinning much due to a lack of time. I am eyeing these batts as my next spinning adventure. They are from one of my faves, Dyeabolical. These particular batts (there are 3 in the package) are 4.19 ounces total and the content is wool, tussah silk, bamboo and firestar (which is the shiny stuff). I am up for a new adventure! Maybe later today I will squeeze in a little spinning time.

I'll keep you posted on my progress on all of these Sunday projects.

Thank you all for joining me on this spot and through subscription emails and blog readers, etc. I have been overwhelmed lately by the kindness and generosity of the fine group of knitters gathering here. My blog stats and pattern sales have been way up lately and I simply want to express my appreciation and gratitude to you all.

Happy Sunday!