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Monday, January 02, 2012

Blocking Day

Hi Knitters,
Last night I pulled out my blocking boards and wires and pins. I soaked my beaded Citron for about half an hour in Soak, gently squeezed out the excess water and pulled it into shape. I used the blocking wires on the top edge and then I softly pulled the rest out flat. I don't want to pull out the ruching too much because that's the best part of this shawl.

I am loving the tonal qualities of the dye. It is gorgeous. 

The yarn is Malabrigo Lace in the Sealing Wax colorway. The pattern is free from Knitty and is called, Citron.

I had a fan blowing on it last night for a couple of hours and I think it is already dry this morning. I will probably take it off shortly. 

I am so thrilled about finishing this project. It is giving me a lot of happiness to be done.

Since there are lots of people at my house for the next week I will have someone to take a photo of me wearing my Citron to share with you. It is going to be permanently attached to my shoulders for quite some time to come.
best, susie