Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Monday, April 30, 2012

Cherry Blossom and Ice Cream Update

Hi Knitters,
All links will be found at the end of the post.

What did you do last weekend? I hope you had some time to knit. On Friday we did another trip to Minneapolis with my son. He had a recruiting weekend with the swim team at the University of Minnesota. My husband and I drove up and back but my son stayed until Sunday and took the bus home. He survived just fine so all is good. I worry.

On our Friday that was filled with car time I knit on several projects but made really good progress on my Cherry Blossom socks from Cakewalk Yarns. I have the heel and gusset decreases completed and now I am ready to fly on the foot. I should have this pair done in no time. I am in love with this yarn and colorway. I'll be sad when the socks are done because I am enjoying knitting them so much.

I also worked on my Silk Moon Crescent (ahem, Fruit Slice) shawlette. I am almost done. There is so much interest in this shawl now that Jaala Spiro, the designer, started a knitalong group on Ravelry and loads of people are joining in, including me. This is such a fun and fast shawl that some are already finishing up within a couple of days. 

On our way home we drove through St. Paul. My husband had just been up to Minneapolis a couple of weeks ago for work and he stopped at this homemade ice cream shop and wanted to go again. We had a nice healthy lunch and then ruined that by treating ourselves to enormous ice cream cones at the Grand Ole Creamery. It was totally worth it. I had banana cream pie and coffee half scoops (yes, those are half scoops) and my husband had marshmallow and mango half scoops. We were like a couple of kids in ice cream cone heaven.

I kept telling my husband that I thought I had been on this street before when I was on tour for Itty-Bitty Nursery and I went to the Yarnery way back in 2007. I knew the Yarnery was in an old house-type building. Sure enough as we were driving away I saw the yarn shop! The Yarnery is a great yarn shop and you should visit if you get the chance. It is really fun in there. And who knew that after you knit and shop for yarn that you can walk down the street and have the best homemade ice cream around? That sounds like a good day to me.

Coming up this week I am reviewing and giving away a new book that you won't want to miss. Be sure to check back for that. On other fronts, I really have to buckle down on some work knitting that I have to finish up as deadlines are approaching quickly over the next couple of weeks. Today I also need to write a list of all of my upcoming project commitments and the deadlines so I can prioritize and keep it straight. I have a busy knitting schedule lined up over the upcoming months! Much knitting fun is ahead that I am really excited about.

Here are all of the links from this post:
Cakewalk Yarns
Cherry Blossom Cakewalk Yarn
How I make my socks (the free pattern)
Signature Needle Arts dpns (the US size 1 green needles in my socks)
My post on the Silk Moon Crescent Shawl
The Silk Moon Crescent Shawl pattern
The Silk Moon Crescent Knitalong group on Ravelry
Itty-Bitty Nursery
The Yarnery in St. Paul, MN
Grand Ole Creamery in St. Paul, MN

Have a good start to the week, Knitters. I'll be back soon with an awesome book giveaway!
best, susie

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Silk Moon Crescent (or fruit slice to me)

Hi Knitters,
All of the links for this post can be found at the end.

A couple of weeks ago I taught a class at the Knit Circus Retreat (psst... save the date for the fall retreat on October 6th, I'm teaching again). Jaala Spiro is the force behind Knit Circus and she happens to be a friend of mine as well. At the retreat Jaala was wearing a cute blue dress with a small eye-catching Noro shawlette wrapped around her shoulders. It was a stunning combination and I just thought she looked great.

Every couple of weeks Jaala comes over to my house and we spend a morning knitting together while chatting, sipping tea and eating yummy baked goods. At the retreat I asked Jaala all about her cute shawl because I wanted to knit one for myself.

It turns out it is one of Jaala's new accessory designs and pattern called the Silk Moon Crescent Shawlette. I asked if she would bring it over to my house the next time we knit together. To my great luck she showed up with three versions of the Silk Moon shawlette.

I am sure you recognize the yarn. It is Noro Silk Garden. Noro and garter stitch just go together so well. The Silk Moon Crescent takes three skeins for the shawlette and four for the larger shawl in the pattern. You can combine different colorways or use the same one. I feel like just about everyone has a ball or two or three or four of Noro sitting around and usually lots of left overs from other projects, too. Here is the perfect project to use it up!

Aren't these gorgeous? I just love it.

The shawl is so simple, only garter stitch and every certain number of rows you do yarn over increases. That's it! This is really a perfect first shawl and it goes incredibly fast with the worsted weight yarn knit on US size 9 needles. You could really use any worsted weight yarn you have sitting around.

I was saying to Jaala that the shawls look like yummy fruit slices, especially when all together. The shawl above was knit by combining different colorways of the Silk Garden. See those little blips? Those are the yarn overs.

The curved shape makes the shawl sit so nicely on your shoulders. I love this shape. And they really do look like candy fruit slices to me, I'm sticking with it.

Jaala is hosting a knitalong for the Silk Moon Crescent Shawlette on the Knit Circus group on Ravelry. It just started today and is running for the month of May through the 25th. Here is some information about the prizes for joining the knitalong straight from Jaala:

We’ll be offering prizes for the Silk Moon knitalong: Noro yarn for a second shawl for a lucky winner, a copy of my Hats and Cowls e-book for Winner #2, and free pattern of your choice from my Ravelry store for everyone who finishes! The KAL will run now through May 25th, so exactly one month.

I am so excited to have started my own Silk Moon. I got my pattern yesterday and starting knitting today..... 

I am making my version in Noro Kureyon instead of Silk Garden because I have it on hand. This happens to be my favorite colorway, #95. I used it to make the Inca Snowflake hat in Itty-Bitty Hats and to make the Baby Bear in Itty-Bitty Toys. Does it look familiar?

Here is the start of my shawl. I was immediately struck by the dreaded Noro knot right off the bat but I just kept going. I kind of like the purple right at the start. Believe me, this is a fast and fun knit!

Here are the links and I hope to see you over on the Silk Moon Crescent Shawl Knitalong.

Here is the knitalong thread on the Knit Circus Ravelry group! I have already joined in and I hope to see you there:

Now back to my shawl!
best, susie

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Various and Sundry

(Punch Brothers cover The Cars)

Hi Knitters,
Today I am sharing some various and sundry with you.

The other day on Twitter, Jared Flood or Brooklyn Tweed, shared a link to the Punch Brothers playing a cover of The Cars. How does this relate to knitting? The lead singer is wearing a Koolhaas hat designed by Jared Flood. The other thing not knitting related is that I was a giant Cars fan. I used to listen to their tapes (yes, cassette tapes) on my super cool Walkman. I brought it everywhere with me. I nearly wore The Cars greatest hits tape out. And also, yes, I know every word to the song the Punch Brothers sang, Just What I Needed. I thought you might enjoy it, too, and the hat looks great! I have that hat pattern and hope to knit it soon.


I have talked about my love of Alabama Chanin. This is a beautiful video and feature about Alabama Chanin that was on the Etsy blog. You will love watching this video. All of the links for Natalie Chanin and this video are found by clicking right here. It's so inspiring. 

My Effortless Cardigan, by Hannah Fettig, turned out a little too big for me (you can read all about it right here). My beautiful Peachy has taken it off my hands. She wears it to school all of the time and loves it. Isn't it cute on her? The sleeves are 3/4 length on her gorgeous long arms but it sort of looks like it was meant to be that way.

I am thrilled every time I see her running off to school in the Effortless Cardigan.

The pattern is included in Hannah's new book, published in conjunction with Quince & Co., called Knitbot Essentials. Click here to find out more about this stunning book and collection of Hannah's knit designs. I am ordering my copy later today.

Wonderword puzzles have become my new daily treat. I love these quick word find puzzles with a twist. TC and I do loads of word searches together and occasionally she helps me out with the newspaper Wonderword puzzles. I love checking the next day to see if I got the correct answer. The daily crossword puzzle is right next to Wonderword so I usually fill in quite a few of those answers, too, but I never quite finish the crossword. I always wish I could. Sometimes I finish right away, other times I leave it sitting out and find a few words when I pass by or when I am cooking dinner. It can be an all day affair.

© Strikbibliotekar 

A lovely member of my Ravelry group, Itty-Bitty Knits, shared her Curly Snake on the Itty-Bitty Toys knitalong that is currently under way (it is an open knitalong where you can join anytime). I thought her photos were so lovely that I asked if I could share with you.

Here is the link to the Ravelry project page! The knitter goes by Strikbibliotekar on Ravelry and she is from Denmark.

© Strikbibliotekar

I was particularly struck by this colorful intertwining of Curly Snakes and the fun left over sock yarns used! It's wonderful.

Next up on the Itty-Bitty Toys knitalong is the Egg to Bluebird project. Come join in! It's the perfect tiny spring project.

Now, these are some lousy photos I took with my phone. However, one thing I forgot to mention in the post about Paula Emons-Fuessle (Knitting Pipeline) is that she has wild turkeys that come in her yard and one that pecks on her windows. This was from earlier episodes so I don't know that this is still going on currently. I always listened intently when Paula discussed her wild turkey visitors because our neighborhood is overpopulated (in my opinion) with wild turkeys and I am not particularly fond of them.

When we first moved to our neighborhood there had been incidents of wild turkeys attacking kids' backpacks on their way to school. It was thought to be due to the lunches in the backpacks. There were warnings about this in newsletters from the school and what to do if you are attacked, which I can't remember what was said. More recently, mail carriers in our area were being attacked by wild turkeys, it was thought to be due to the color blue of their uniforms.

Anyway, you can see why I am leery of wild turkeys. They are everywhere around here, in yards, at the school playground, crossing streets, and in the nature conservatory that is intertwined with my neighborhood. They are always in groups of 6-12 (not sure what a group of turkeys is called) and we have seen many, many mamas with a dozen or more baby turkeys crossing roads. You can always tell when someone new is driving through our neighborhood because they will pull over when they see the turkeys to stare and point. We are so used to seeing them that we just drive on by now. TC does not enjoy the wild turkeys at all.

Anyway, I was going to post my wild turkey photos on my Paula post because now I always think of her when I see the neighborhood turkeys. I have been hiking almost daily in various local nature spots lately and I see turkeys pretty much every time. The other day I ran across six turkeys and they were huge. The two male turkeys were all puffed up with their feathers spread out and they were looking enormous. They are loud, too. They were of course right in the middle of the trail where I was walking. A jogger ran by me before I got to the turkeys and said, "You better start making a lot of noise. The turkeys are out."

I just took the photo and turned back to walk the other way. They scare me a little bit.

My various and sundry post is now coming to a close with a few more links:
Jane Richmond's reasons for knitting socks!
Kristin Nicholas' new sock yarn with Regia! I'd love to try some.
An adorable stitching project I would love to do! I love this so much, I may have to order it soon.

How's that for some good variety of topics?

Have a good day! I'll be back soon to share a super fun project I am knitting.

best, susie

Monday, April 23, 2012

Paula and the Piper's Journey

Hi Knitters,
To keep things simple all links will be found at the end of the post.

My Piper's Journey shawl is finished and I haven't been able to stop wearing it since I unpinned it from the blocking board. This was a fun knit and the final product is a wearable and pretty shawl. I highly recommend the Piper's Journey shawl and the Quince & Co. Chickadee yarn.

I wish you could all hold this shawl in your hands. It is beautiful, soft, light and airy. The 100% dk weight American wool from Quince & Co. is soft enough to wear next to your skin without being itchy at all. This is coming from someone who has a lot of allergies and sensitive skin.

The sweet simplicity of the Chickadee yarn is perfect for showing crisp stitch definition and for holding the blocking efforts in place. I think this project showcases the perfect match of yarn and pattern.

There are many ways to wear the Piper's Journey shawl. I basically never want to take this handknit off. I know this will be the most worn shawl of mine, no doubt.

You can wrap it around your shoulders and tie the ends at the front.

You can throw the ends over your shoulders and put a shawl pin in to hold in place.

The curved shape makes the shawl sit so nicely on your shoulders. It really stays in place, no fussing is required.

Here's how I wore it to TC's soccer game last Sunday, all wrapped up warmly around my neck. There was such a chilly wind and the shawl really kept me toasty. It felt so good.

The shawl begins with the garter stitch body of the shawl and ends with an 18 stitch applied lace repeat that is quite simple. Applied lace means it is knit right onto the body of the shawl so you are knitting the garter edge stitches together with the lace as you work along the edge. At the end you only have the lace stitches to bind off and you are done!

The Piper's Journey is a clever and fun pattern to knit. This is my first time doing an applied lace edging and I found it to be entertaining and easy. I think this would be a good first project for lace as the lace pattern is quite simple. If you have any interest in trying a simple, straightforward lace shawl, this is the one for you! The pattern is well-written and clear. I loved everything about it.

The Piper's Journey is a very popular pattern on Ravelry and that is mostly due to the winning combination of Paula Emons-Fuessle, the designer, and Quince & Co yarn. I am a huge fan of both. Paula hosts the weekly podcast, Knitting Pipeline, where Quince & Co. is a sponsor. If you haven't listened to Knitting Pipeline, please go have a listen. I learn something every time I listen and I have enjoyed every single episode, many more than once. I think so many have made the Piper's Journey shawl (there are hundreds of finished projects posted on Ravelry), not only because it is a great knit but because they love Paula, just like I do. This is Paula's first published pattern and it immediately shot to the number one hot pattern on Ravelry. How fun is that?

Paula includes lots of knitting in her podcast, not only her current projects, but also lots of discussion, and tips on techniques, and new things she has learned with each project she tackles. It is so much more than a show and tell. Paula teaches. I like to think about what I have learned with each project I knit, too. There is always something new and Paula always points this aspect of knitting out. This is a good way to approach knitting.

Some of Paula's episodes include letters that she and Elizabeth Zimmermann exchanged many years ago. Paula used to attend Elizabeth's knitting camp in Wisconsin. I love the thought of a young Paula making the journey from Illinois to Wisconsin to attend knitting camp to learn from perhaps the greatest knitter of all time. The forethought Paula had to save these precious handwritten letters is incredible. I don't know if I would have done the same. Now we get to hear the voice of Elizabeth through Paula and these letters, it is amazing. The letters are just as good as any book of Elizabeth's, cleverly worded, sincere and smart. Paula is an Elizabeth Zimmermann devotee and discusses many of the projects she knits using EZ's books. I love this and wish I had the time to knit through all of my Elizabeth Zimmermann books. This is a goal of mine for the future.

Paula is a curious sort, meaning she has many interests beyond knitting that she shares with her listeners. She is a nature-lover and researcher, a teacher (she has video tutorials, too), a bread-baker, a good friend to knitters Bronwyn, Char and Sara (knitters who visit and chat with Paula on some episodes), a bagpipe band member, an avid reader, an active community member, a mother and wife, a lover of her home and family life, and a lover of life in general. Paula lives a life that is so endearing. I have read many new books and watched movies and PBS and BBC series all on Paula's recommendations and she is spot on. She also hosted the first Knitting Pipeline retreat this spring, which I was unable to attend. I hope and intend to attend the next one in the upcoming year.

I love to hear Paula's humor. She laughs at herself and that makes me laugh. She is humble and funny and she is always trying her best to do the right thing. Paula is relatable and smart. I love many podcasts and podcasters, however, many are quite young. I am in my upper forties and I have been knitting a very long time, approaching three decades now. It is so refreshing for me to listen to someone with a certain maturity and someone who has many years of knitting and life experience to draw from and share. Being from the midwest and having kids who are getting older, like Paula, draws me in like I am listening to someone I have known for years. We very often have so much in common that it is striking at times and I love that.

Don't miss out on this treasure we have been given, Knitting Pipeline. I hope Paula continues her work for a long time.

Now for all of those links:
Knitting Pipeline (You can listen on the site or on itunes, read show notes and see photos.)
Knitting Pipeline Ravelry Group (I am a member and joined the Piper's Journey knitalong.)
Piper's Journey shawl pattern on Ravelry
Piper's Journey shawl pattern in Scarves, etc., Book One, on Quince & Co. (a fantastic collection)
Quince & Co.'s Chickadee yarn
Blocking the Piper's Journey shawl
Quince & Co.
Elizabeth Zimmermann

Have a super start to your week, Knitters! It's a beautiful day out there.
best, susie

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Washing Your Wool and Blocking

Hi Knitters,
Do you wash your wool? I do and often. I have become a regular wool washing convert. If there is one good point I want to get across in this post it is that washing your 100% wool knit items is incredibly simple and produces gorgeous finished projects. In fact, even when I have knit a garment in superwash wool, I still wash it by hand as if it is regular wool because I don't want it to stretch out. I enjoy giving my handknits gentle attention and extra care. Plus, it is easy.

You don't need to be intimidated by the care involved for wool garments or accessories. It is a snap to wash and block. Blocking is actually kind of fun. If you follow some simple, easy steps you will be a wool washing convert, too. The results of the washing and blocking of the 100% wool yarn is a match made in heaven. The wool fibers relax, the fabric becomes softer and the stitches even out. It is a beautiful thing.

I am going to take you step-by-step through the washing and blocking of the shawl I finished called, Piper's Journey by Paul Emons-Fuessle of the Knitting Pipeline Podcast. It is knit in the 100% American wool by Quince & Co. in the Chickadee base which is a dk weight. The colorway is Icelandic, which is a beautiful heather gray.

I will link all information about the knits and everything I use today to wash and block my shawl at the end of the post.

Step 1: (photo above)
Pull out all of the things you will need to wash and block your item before you start. In this case I used blocking boards, flexible blocking wires and pins, wool wash, and a tub for soaking.

Step 2: 
Pour a little of your wool wash in your tub and fill the tub with lukewarm or room temperature or cold water if that makes you more comfortable. I use lukewarm water. I don't measure the amount of soap. I like lots of suds and I love the smell of the Soak so I am generous when squeezing that bottle to add the soap. I fill enough water to cover the item I am washing.

Step 3: Place the item to be washed in the tub.

Step 4: 
Gently squish your woolly knit into the soapy water so it saturates and seeps into the fibers of the yarn.

Step 5: 
Let your item soak for at least 20 minutes or so. Here is a place in the process where I fudge around quite a bit. For this project, I ended up making lunch for my son and husband and came back to my soaking shawl about an hour later. It's all fine! Some people soak their items for a lot longer than I do.

Step 6:
While your woolly knit is soaking in the wool wash, set up your blocking area. I pieced the blocking boards together and got my wires ready to go.

Step 7:
After the item has soaked long enough I gather it up and gently squeeze it over the tub to get the excess water out. I don't rinse the Soak out at all. I love the scent and it conditions the wool and dries beautifully. It is like leave-in conditioner for your hair. After gently squeezing I place the knit item in a clean towel and gently squeeze it again. It is still wet at this point, just not dripping.

Step 8:
I carefully spread out the item on the blocking board.

I am going to specifically talk about this shawl now. The designer, Paula, said she gently blocked her shawl so really you could leave the blocking at that and just let it dry. It looked beautiful without adding any pins or wires. It's really up to you.

Here is another photo of the shawl without pins or wires. It already looks great.

Step 9: Adding Pins and Wires
I started at the ends of the shawl and added a couple of pins to hold them in place. This just seemed like a logical place to start.

Next, I really wanted to stretch out the lace edging to show it off to its full effect. I started at the center of the outer edge. Using one flexible wire, I threaded it through each garter ridge along the edge of the lace and continued threading until I got to the end on one side.

Then I added another wire starting at the center and threaded it through in the same way along the outer edge until I got to the other end. Next, I started adding pins just inside the wire to hold and secure the shape I wanted for the shawl. These flexible blocking wires are fantastic for round shaped shawls. I also have straight blocking wires that are great for straight edges.

Above is the finished shawl with pins and blocking wires pulling the lace out quite tight. I didn't measure or worry about it being exact in any way. I just used my eye and it worked out wonderfully. Some people like to measure to make sure things are even and perfect and that's good, too.

I didn't pin or use wires on the neck edge of the shawl. I didn't think it needed anything.

You can see how the pins pull the wire out to really open up the lace edging. It was nice and tight.

I just wanted to share the beautiful stretched garter stitch in the light and airy Chickadee. I love this yarn more than I can say. It is simply gorgeous.

Step 10: 
Let it dry! Now comes the test of patience. You have to wait it out until that yarn is completely dry. I like to put a fan on my blocking items. You will be amazed at how much this speeds up the process of drying.

Wait, wait, wait!

Step 11:
After your item is completely dry (this shawl dried very quickly but I left it overnight), carefully remove the pins and pull out the wires.

Next up? Check back to see my finished Piper's Journey Shawl!

Links to the items used in this post:
Quince & Co. Chickadee yarn
Piper's Journey shawl pattern
Soak Wool Wash
Soak Basin
Inspinknity flexible blocking wires
Knitter's Block blocking boards

I hope this was informative and helpful.
best, susie

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Knit Nest & I finished something!

Hi Knitters,
Well, I am taking you back to Key West today to share the little knit shop we found there. First though, I have to share another message I received from Rose at Cakewalk Yarns. Apparently, you all love the Cherry Blossom colorway as much as I do but I also have noticed other colorways flying out of Rose's shop. I have wanted the Smirk colorway in sock yarn for a long time. I saw it pop up in the shop and came back a short while later to purchase it and it was gone! I'll keep my eye out for the next batch. The other colorway/yarn I have been eyeing is called Brooklyn in the worsted weight, that could make a fun knit, too.

Anyway, you can see that I am still not over Cakewalk Yarns yet. Click here for her Etsy shop! Here is Rose's message from last Monday where she is thanking me but really she should be thanking all of you for ordering.

Another even BIGGER Thank You
Sent at 3:13 PM April 15, 2012
Hi Susan!
Whew!! I had to send my husband out for more printer toner so I could keep churning out mailing labels….the orders just keep coming! Let’s just say, your readers are loving your Cherry Blossom socks.
I want to thank you again for being so kind to share your socks & the yarns in your stash with your readers. I’m very grateful for your kind words & your willingness to help along a little business like mine. Its true, knitters ARE nice.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! -- Rose

Now onto to the tropical yarn shop adventure. I didn't even think about finding a yarn shop on our trip to Key West but we stumbled upon the sign in the photo above. Then I had to check it out with TC in hand.

To get to the shop you had to climb some steps where there was a raised row of shops. The shop is called Knit Nest. TC and I asked the owner, Curtis Noon, for permission to take photos. He was very friendly and didn't mind a bit.

The spacious shop had these black shelves with the yarn organized by color. It was pretty and an interesting way to sort through the yarns.

The pattern rack shown here contains the owner's patterns I believe. He was knitting while we were in the shop and from what I gathered he creates a lot of shawls and accessories.

There was some interesting yarn in the shop including this multi-colored hank of yarn. This is actually a kit to make the Bias Shawl. This one big hank is 600 yards of separate skeins creatively put together.

There were different colorways for the kit. I guess you get the pattern included when you purchase the yarn. I didn't see the actual shawl or pattern but I like the idea of this kit.

There was a lot of art yarn and novelty yarn including quite a bit of sequins and beads and fringe but along with that there was plenty of wool, alpaca and even sock yarn.  The art yarns totally make sense in this climate. You would never wear a full-on wool sweater here but light shawls and scarves with sparkle would be perfect year round.

These adorable handmade bags propped up on a ledge caught my eye.

TC enjoyed browsing around. She is one who really enjoys sparkly yarns (hence the sequin butterfly on the back of her shirt) so she was in the right place. We had lots of fun and spent a good chunk of time perusing the shelves.

I ended up bringing home this sweet gray and yellow bag, one of my favorite color combinations. Is this Amy Butler fabric? I recognize it but can't quite place it. I love this new project bag so much. I also picked up a gorgeous hank of variegated green Colinette Jitterbug as a gift for Miss Molly. TC and I debated a long time on what to get her until we found the perfect skein. I don't have a photo of that one since Miss Molly already has her yarn.

I love the inside of the bag and the sturdiness of the sides and the straps. It sits open so well. It is beautifully and meticulously made. I think it could hold a shawl, scarf, baby project, socks... you could fill this one up with a medium-sized project for sure.

The bag is made by Noreen Emmel from Stewartstown, PA. She doesn't have a website listed on the tag but her email is: You could email her if you are interested in a bag or contact the Knit Nest in Key West.

For the Knit Nest here is the contact information:
Click here for the website!
Knit Nest
Owner: Curtis Noon
218 Whitehead Street, Key West, Florida, 33040
Phone: 305.295.7565

Knit Nest was a fun little knitterly discovery. While we were in the shop there was a group of British ladies perusing the yarns. They were really fun and quite chatty and kept the owner busy. I think they came off a cruise ship and headed straight for the yarn shop, which I admire. They were into the baby knits mainly.

I was going to post about the Knit Nest yesterday but I became completely obsessed with finishing the project you see above. The project is the Piper's Journey shawl, designed by the lovely Paula of the Knitting Pipeline, knit in the completely endearing sweetness of Quince & Co.'s Chickadee (even the yarn name is sweeter than sweet). I used the Icelandic colorway, a pretty heathered gray.

I kept kidding myself that I was almost done with the applied lace edging when I really wasn't even close to being done. I was maybe a quarter or an eighth of the way through when I picked it up later on Sunday. Really I had the entire edging to complete. It took me hours to finish the edging on Sunday and Monday but I was on a mission to finish. I could not put it down and I enjoyed every stitch along the way. I was so excited to bind off yesterday, I can't even tell you.

I will have lots more about the Piper's Journey coming up, including blocking and final product photos. It is one of the best projects I have ever knit. You may just want one for yourself.

Have a great Tuesday, everyone.
best, susie