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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Now for the Ruffle

Hi Knitters,
I hope you are all doing well. It is a busy, busy week for everyone I am sure.

Today I am quickly sharing that old Citron I started well over a year ago. I pulled it out again last weekend to see if I could actually finish it up. I am knitting with Malabrigo lace weight in the Sealing Wax colorway, on US size 6 needles. I don't know what it is about this project that makes it difficult for me to stick with it. Is it the lace weight yarn (not my favorite) or is it the endless rows of stockinette stitch? Actually, it is both of these things.

I added two more sections, for seven sections total, to use up the yarn and because I want it to be bigger. As written, this is a very small shawl. The added sections have made the stitch count very high even before the ruffle. I haven't dared to count or figure out how many stitches I have at this point in case it might make me want to stop working on it. Now I am on the first ruffle row where you kfb in each stitch. It will be well over 700 stitches in each row. This is going to be a long suffering ruffle to complete but the reason I keep going is that I know without a doubt that I will absolutely love wearing my rusty red Citron when it is complete.

I can't wait to bind off and block! There is a small possibility that I might add some beads to the edge as I bind off but I am not sure yet. I'll keep you posted.

Take care, Knitters. Thank you to the lovely knitters who have sent me some very kind and heart-warming emails and notes recently (Barb, Jenni, Nancy, Mary Rose and Betty to name a few). Those really make my day.
best, susie