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Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry, Merry!

Hi Knitters,
My husband has always laughed about an old family friend who would greet everyone during the holiday season with a chipper, "Merry, merry!" So in the spirit of the goofy family friend of yore, I am sharing a, "Merry, merry!" greeting with you today and for the weekend.

The socks above sort of sum up my Christmas knitting this year. I didn't quite make it. I have one of things that should have two. Some gifts have even less than that finished. I am happily giving up! Instead of finishing the knitted gifts I have made great progress on my next upcoming book manuscript and that is a worthwhile compromise. I am so excited about this new book. It has come together like nothing I have done before. I simply love it. It won't be out for awhile yet but I will be sure to keep you posted.

Now that this book is coming to a close, I have future books in my head, on my needles and in my sketchbooks. I am having that sense of excitement you get when you start something fresh and new, kind of like when you cast on a new knitting project. It is the best.

There is so much potential on the horizon for the new year.... just look at all of that yarn-y fun just waiting to be had.

I hope your gift knitting has been more successful than mine this year! 

Happy holidays from my house to your house. I am wishing you all a peaceful, warm, and family-filled holiday season. 

Knitters, I hope to see you all back here next week. For now, I've got to get some pies in the oven.....

love, susie