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Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Is it Tuesday already?

Hi Knitters,
That was a weekend to remember, right? Here's what is going on at my house that I can share. I have a lot of behind the scenes knitting going on for books and projects that I can't share, but that will come later.

I quickly whipped up two baby hats for our neighborhood pool's upcoming silent auction. It is a yearly fundraiser where all of the money goes toward pool improvements and defraying membership costs. I am on the committee running the silent auction this year so I hope we can raise lots of money for our lovely little pool which has brought our family so much fun, happiness and activity throughout the years.

I thought about designing a couple of new hats for the auction but I don't really have time for that right now. Instead I pulled out my trusty Itty-Bitty Hats and went for a couple of tried and true crowd pleasers. I knit the Upside Down Daisy and the Cotton Stria Stripes hats. Both are knit in Blue Sky Alpacas Worsted Cotton. This cotton is incredible. It is vibrant, soft and easy to work with. Hands down this is my favorite cotton yarn.
I am especially pleased with the stripey hat in greens, cream and the lightest gray I have ever seen. It is such a clean, fresh little hat. I wanted to offer something for both a boy and girl so everyone is included. Hopefully these hats will get some bids. You never know.

Anyway, it is fun to revisit my old book every once in awhile. I have such a flood of memories when I knit something from the original Itty-Bitty book. It makes me feel good because after I make one of the hats from here I stop and think, yes, these are still really cute baby hats. They are fun, fast and satisfying in the best way. I miss my baby hat knitting.
I have not spun for weeks. I keep looking longingly at my wheel with some Cloudlover roving started on it but I just haven't had the chance. Most of the knitting I have been doing is for work or on the go knitting which is usually plain stockinette socks. Maybe this week I will steal a moment or two for spinning. Here's to hoping...
Our garden is making good progress. We have harvested some handfuls of tiny red tomatoes, onions, strawberries and green peppers so far. This patch of a garden has already brought so much joy in such a small amount of time. The empty spot by the hose and stray water balloons has carrots that are just popping up. I think TC planted something else in this spot that maybe didn't take very well.
Here on my front stoop is a remnant from my son's firework extravaganza for the 4th. He actually built a wooden box with holes in it to hold his fireworks for lighting. He worked really hard on this. He is crazy for fireworks and it worries me a little (or a lot). Everyone has seemed to survive without injury this year so that is good.
I finished my second pair of handspun socks. I used Dyeabolical roving to spin into fingering weight yarn. I knit up this pair of simple stockinette socks working a round or two here and there over the past few weeks. It's amazing how just knitting a few rounds at a time will eventually get you to the end of a project. Here's proof.
I haven't blocked them yet. They are a bit lumpy and bumpy but I have to say I kind of like them just as they are for now. Rustic and homemade is my kind of sock (and life).
The feel of a pair of snug handpun socks on your feet is like nothing I can describe exactly.
It is sooooo good! See, that doesn't really describe the complete comfort, sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, happiness, love, beauty, amazement.... that wearing handspun yarn brings. In all their imperfection they are perfect to me.

Learning how to spin has been a wonderful addition to my life. I highly recommend it if you haven't tried it yet. Spinning has enhanced my knitting in new and exciting ways.
While watching the new episode of The Knit Girlls very early this morning I finished up a Noro Silk Garden (purchased here) stockinette sock. I absolutely love it. The Knit Girllls are involved in a very cool charity project right now. They are helping their knitting friend raise thousands of dollars for the Make a Wish Foundation. Click here to find out more information! Oh, and when I looked to gather these links I saw the Knit Girllls have three new tutorials up as well. I'll be watching these later. They have wonderful tutorials so be sure to check them all out.

Wow, so much to knit and make and so little time, right? Aren't we lucky to live a life full of creation and possibilities? I think so.

What are you knitting this week?
best, susie
p.s. Sam Boice and Bree Miller are having a kickstarter for their new yarn line, The Wool Dispensary. If you are interested and want to help two talented young indie dyers and knitters then click right here for more information.
p.p.s. I am completely enamored with Paula of the Knitting Pipeline Podcast. I am listening my way through all 49 episodes starting with #1. I think I am up to number 29 but I have listened to the recent last few episodes as well. She is wonderful! There is something so warm and charming about her. You will fall in love, too. I love how she gives a strong opinion about something and then comes back in the following episode and apologizes for it. That makes me smile.