Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Monday, April 25, 2011


Hi Knitters,
I am tucked back in my house after a week in Captiva Island, Florida. I am trying to get back into the rhythm of an ordinary day around here but it is never as easy as you think. I am playing catch up. It was a wonderful relaxing week and I am so grateful to have that uninterrupted time with my family.

I did get some knitting done while we were gone. TC did some knitting, too. Above is TC's Be Sweet Bambino Taffy hat. She is crazy about it and will donate it to her charity knitting group. She immediately started her next Be Sweet hat. It is fun to see her planning her travel knitting and throwing her knitting in the beach bag or in the car as we go.
One thing I love about my crew is their ability to lose themselves in books. As we sat on the beach together I looked at my three kids (my oldest couldn't come with us due to his college schedule - that was hard) each quietly absorbed in a book. For whatever reason it gave me a sense of accomplishment. To see your kids quietly content and engrossed in a book is strangely reassuring. Being able to dig in and read a good book is a lifelong pleasure that I am glad they all appreciate. My oldest is and always has been a huge fiction reader as well. He is never without a novel and always has a stack at the ready waiting to be read. I even had a chance to read a couple of books that had been sitting on my Kindle way too long. I loved every minute of it. I am hosting a giveaway for one of the books I finished later this week.
I also finished a pair of socks out of my handspun yarn. This is a first for me and it was quite exciting. I finally was able to spin enough yarn out of 4 ounces of fiber and at a fingering weight. These were a good time to knit.
I love my new socks for all of their rustic glory. They feel incredibly good on my feet.

When I left Madison last week it was freezing cold. I wore a pair of handknit socks in the car on the early morning two hour drive to the airport. I left the socks in the car and when we got back to the car a week later I could not have been happier to put those socks back on in the cold Chicago air. I had forgotten about them so it was a treat.
I also finished up a pair of Best Foot Forward socks in the Blueberry Cobbler colorway. I love this yarn which was designed by Kristin Nicholas. This will be a sturdy pair that will last for a good long time.
Lastly, I got a good start on a Blue Sky Alpacas pattern for a beautiful little cardigan by Cecily Glowik MacDonald aptly called, Cecily's Silk Cardigan. I am using this Blue Sky Alpacas yarn in the Amethyst colorway. I am using US size 4 needles and I took out the lace panel. It is dreamy all around.

I'll keep you posted on my progress but it may be slow. I am back to the real world with a whole bunch of projects with deadlines on my horizon.

It's good to be back. What sort of things are keeping you occupied? I'd love to hear.
best, susie