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Saturday, January 15, 2011

To Each Her Own

Hi Knitters,
Well, I ripped out the afterthought heel and that felt good. I quickly got my trusty heel flap and gusset in place. That feels even better.

I think it is funny and wonderful how people have such strong feelings about the type of sock they call their own. Is it top down, magic loop, toe up, double-pointed needles, long cuff, short cuff, heel flap, gusset, afterthought, short row or every innovative creation in between? The truth of the matter is that it can be any of those things and more. I am a huge fan of finding what's right and feels good for you! That's what works best then. 100%.

For me that means top-down, heel flap, gusset socks knit on 4 double-pointed needles. That's what makes me happy. The only way to discover your own favorite is to try other options. I love trying new things. That's what makes knitting endlessly fun and interesting.
Jasmin from the Knitmore Girls podcast wrote a comment asking if I used 50% or 60% of the stitches for the afterthought heel. I had forgotten that she had a discussion about using 60% on her podcast. I used 50% because my memory failed me on that point. I totally agree that 60% would have worked much better on my sock because the heel really was too shallow and that would have added some needed length. It's a good thought to remember if you are going to try the afterthought heel. I still believe that even if I had used 60% of the stitches I would not have kept it in. I, for whatever reason, find the heel flap and gusset more visually pleasing. I may just be more used to it. Who knows. I do think the afterthought heel would look good with striping sock yarn creating a bulls-eye for the heel. Maybe someday I'll come back and give it another try.

I am about halfway through the foot at this point. Hope you are having a good weekend. We are up to our eyeballs in swim meets. What's happening with you this weekend?
best, susie
p.s. I never, ever miss an episode of the Knitmore girls podcast. Jasmin does the podcast along with her mom, Gigi. They have a perfect rapport and conversational style. The two are sweet together in a warm mother-daughter way. I enjoy that. They are both super smart and voracious knitters, Gigi is a seamstress and quilter, Jasmin is an adept spinner and they love to eat at fun restaurants. I love hearing about their eating adventures. They also have interviewed some of the most interesting and clever knitters on earth. You should go and subscribe on itunes or hop on over to the Knitmore Girls podcast show notes to listen on your computer. They also have some terrific videos on youtube. The Knitmores also go to lots of the major knitting events and provide great insight into the goings on. I think you'd enjoy if you don't already! Oh, and click here to join or check out the huge following on their Ravelry group!