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Wednesday, December 08, 2010

The One

Hi Knitters,
Well, each year I adore gathering everyone up in their warmest knits and coats and driving to a nearby Christmas tree farm to cut our family tree. This year was particularly wonderful because the first snowfall had just happened so there was a fresh coat of white sparkly and crunchy snow at the farm.
What a crew. We looked for what seemed like an extra-long time this year to find the perfect tree. In the end we picked a tree that seemed to somehow balloon in width when unleashed in our tiny living room. It is a laughably fat tree for the space but we love it anyway.
It was a gorgeous day at the farm.
My husband is always the saw-man. See that hat? It is knit in the brand new Spud & Chloƫ Sweater colorway called, Barn (it will be available very soon). It is the perfect bright red and my husband, being the Badger that he is, picked it for his new hat.There was much debate and discussion about the tree selection. The problem is that once you leave a tree you are never able to find it again. We found that out in a hurry.
The trees were covered in such a heavy wet snow which made every branch bend with the weight.
It could not have been better out there.
My sons wore their Surefire Hats. I know I say it every year but these are their all-time favorite hats. They have worn only this hat since I have made them which is now years ago. I made a third hat because one time my son couldn't find his Surefire hat only to find it again later. It is good to have a spare anyway.

It makes me happy to see my teenage boys loving something handknit.

Peachy is wearing the Bella's (Twilight) Eclipse Hat I made for her. Click here for the pattern information.

TC is wearing the Stripey Stocking Hat from Itty-Bitty Hats. It is the largest size in the book and it fits her just fine. Here is the Ravelry Project page link. Here is the book link. This is her favorite hat and just like the boys it has been her favorite for many, many years.

On another note, my oldest son had a birthday recently. He is nineteen which is hard to believe. We had a great family celebration for him that included Thanksgiving leftovers. Perfect! He is our buddy and we are so lucky and thankful to have him close to home. Our time together is even more precious now that he is at college. He pops in and out and we love the time he is in. We are looking forward to a long winter break with him under our roof again.
TC has made two more hats for charity. Here is a Christmas themed hat with a little glitz. She uses yarn she picks out from the church charity group. She really loves this one.
This is her second hat to donate. She made the poms to look like little ears. It is tiny and sweet. TC and that charity knitting.... she is on fire.

That's it for now. Have a good end to the week everyone.
best, susie