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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Best Friends Forever

Hi Knitters,
There are two silly and clever bloggers out there who had a good time with their knitted giraffes from Itty-Bitty Toys. I got such a kick out of their sense of humor that I asked permission to share some of their photos with you. Please hop over to their blogs to check out their knitting and other posts, too, you won't regret it. Laurelena writes the Tangled blog. Her friend Kris writes the Knifty Red blog. They are both wonderful blogs filled with excellent knitting!

Thank you both for letting me share your fun!

The giraffe friends visited a local yarn shop, Nana's Knitting Shop, and turned that place upside down. The visit started with a little quiet time and reading (an excellent book choice I might add:).
Aren't they sweet? Why is it that two of something always looks cuter than one? More to look at I guess.
Then the friends started getting a little more rambunctious when they decided to climb the yarn cubbies.
That's a long stretch even for a giraffe.
Phew! Made it.
Snuggle bugs.
Those are some good hugging arms.
That's love if I've ever seen it. What a day to remember.

Thanks again to Laurelena and Kris for letting me share. You and your giraffes made my day!
best, susie
p.s. For another dose of cuteness take a look at what Kristin Nicholas has been up to on her farm. This blew me away. Kristin is incredible. I am definitely ordering a set of her new postcards or you can get her newest downloadable pattern.