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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Ysolda + Madison = Knitting Love

Hi Knitters,
Last Saturday I snuck into The Knitting Tree in Madison. It was the perfect spot and day to meet Ysolda Teague. She is on a whirlwind tour throughout the United States. She started on the east coast and has woven her way to Madison, now she is in Chicago, then Cleveland and then ending up at TNNA in Columbus. People keep inviting her to visit their shops and stay in their homes so she kind of floats along not knowing exactly where she will end up. I can't imagine having the freedom to do that, it seems really fun.

The photo above is of a reluctant Collector modeling Ishbel, Ysolda's new breakout pattern. She doesn't realize how incredible it is that she gets to try on the actual Ishbel knitted by Ysolda that has travelled across the globe to Madison. Ishbel is so beautiful, I think I have to make one for myself. All of her patterns can be found on her site, check it out here. Other patterns of Ysolda's are found on Knitty and Twist Collective (the new summer issue is up!!!). Her blog is one to watch as well.
Ysolda is graciously signing my copy of her self-published book, Whimsical Little Knits, which I reviewed here. (I was mistaken in that previous post, she lives in Scotland.) She is wearing her own knitted creation. Ysolda is the perfect model for her work, everything looks fantastic on her. It makes you want to knit your own!
Ysolda is a diversified designer which is admirable. Her knitted toys are some of the best I have ever seen. They have a sweet, quiet sensibility which I adore. Aren't they cute sitting all together?
Rose Red is a favorite pattern for many. It is lovely and sophisticated. What a complete treat to get to look at and touch and try on Ysolda's work in person. If she is coming to visit a shop near you be sure to make the effort to see her. You won't be sorry.
I always love a good knitted mouse and this one is no exception. You feel like handing over a morsel of cheese to be sniffed. This pint-sized mousie is straight out of a storybook.
The Knitting Tree sits right on Madison's Monroe Street and it is the friendliest, sweetest little yarn shop. Jackie took over ownership several years ago and she has done an excellent job. The shop is doing gang buster business which is so good to see. It is a top of the line knitting tradition here in town. Jackie is a good host to any gathering. Across the street is a coffee shop and down the street is Trader Joe's where she purchased little sweet treats and goodies to eat. She always has fresh flowers on the big farm table, too. I always notice the little touches like that. Perfection.

This pattern is available on Twist Collective, I think it was in the premiere issue from fall '08. Those are little birds.
This gorgeous sweater is called Snow White and the pattern is in Ysolda's shop. Wow, you can see the structure in the ribbed shaping. Fantastic piece of work.
Here is the lacy version of Ishbel, The Collector was wearing a heavier version, maybe fingering or dk weight? So lovely and airy.

Oh well, I was glad I popped in to see Ysolda, the day almost flew past me. It was well worth the effort and she is a true delight. I left with a sense of admiration of her and of her knitting. She is a brave traveller and knitter and one to be followed. Greater things are still on the way from Ysolda and she has already accomplished so much.

Good Tuesday to you all.
best, susie
p.s. Hey, the winners are up for the Spud & Chloƫ premiere/Blue Sky Alpacas design contest. Wow, did they get some strong entries. I am glad I didn't have to choose. Good fun and check it out.