Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Monday, April 13, 2009


Hi Knitters,
Well, it's over and we're home. Before I leave on a trip I try my best to pick up the house, make beds, get the laundry done, wipe down the counters and generally make things look good. It makes coming home from a beautiful sunny beach a little easier when your house is clean (I am being generous with the word clean). We came today from upper 80's and sunny to rainy and 40 degrees. Yuck. Still I look around my little old house and think it looks pretty good. It does feel good to be home regardless of the weather.

Anyway, this is just a quick check in tonight to say hello. I did some knitting while on vacation and I will share soon. I finished a couple of things and made up few new little things and did some fun stitching but mainly I relaxed and spent time with my family. On Wednesday of this week I get the second pass of my book to edit, I thought it was going to be waiting at my door when we got home today but it wasn't ready yet. Plus I am going on a field trip with The Collector's class on Wednesday, busy week ahead. So much to accomplish, so little time, right?

My family is a fun(ny) group. The kids made a surprise dvd with video clips and pictures and little interviews and it was all set to music. I can't get over the stuff they can pull together at the drop of a hat. They showed it to my husband and me on the last night. It made me tear up something fierce. Those darn kids are getting so old and I want it to stop. Amazing how that happens. Amazing.

Hope you all had a good week. I dug through hundreds of emails in the inbox this afternoon. I sent out pattern orders, too. I think I got them all, if not be sure to let me know, there was a lot of stuff to get through. Thanks for your patience while I was gone. Tomorrow I am back to work as usual.

Every girl needs a week off now and then. 
best, susie