Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Glove You

Hi Knitters,
And I should say hi to Crafters as well today. I received my March issue of Parents magazine yesterday. I am lucky enough to have a project in the issue. I took some stretchy dime store gloves from my house, the ones that no longer had a match. Cut the fingers off and made some simple finger puppets with crafty bits that most crafters have in their homes already.
I love the boys on the pages, it's good to see. Boys like crafts, too! There is a bunny, a pig and a red and blue bird shown but there are so many more you could make. It's a good craft even for little kids. Grab a little glue, some feathers, a few pipe cleaners and some google eyes and a couple gloves and you're off!
A lot more coming soon....

Have a good Wednesday, Knitters.
best, susie
p.s. The Shamrock Washcloth yarn giveaway contest is still going strong! Thank you!