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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Come and Get It Part 2 (giveaway!)

Hi Knitters,
Here it is, another giant giveaway. See all of that cleaning pays off for you and me. Here is a quick list of the items I am including in this gift-o-rama package:
1. A Sew Bendy bag that Melissa sent to me as a prototype sample. It is a little different design with a tapered top and it doesn't have the interfacing. It is a cute little gem of a bag. I keep giving my SewBendy bags away to people so it looks like I will just have to order some more:)

2. My first Apple Cozy I knitted awhile ago. You can use it to hold your yarn cakes, too.

3. 7 skeins of Tahki Cotton Classic in rainbow colors. I was thinking about the Rainbow Marley Hat from Itty-Bitty Hats, you could make many, many hats with this bunch of yarn. You can use it for whatever you'd like, maybe even some granny squares.

4. A handmade wool pincushion adorned with my knitted embellishments. This is a beauty with a mohair flower and Noro squiggles on the corners, a beautiful button and several lovely beads.

5. A set of carrots that were made for Itty-Bitty Nursery. Then I knitted another set in a different shade of orange for photography. These are just as good and yummy made out of cotton chenille.

6. A pair of Blah-Blah knit booties, I guess they are little tigers. Cute, cute.

7. The tiny skeins of yarn on the left are handfuls of Koigu I was given at TNNA. The tiny skeins on the right are the luscious O-Wool from TNNA as well. Gorgeous and fun, all of it.
Carrots for you.
Yummy yarn for you.
Lovely bag and cozy for you.
I will stuff it all in this wonderful tweed bag from In the Bag and send it off your way. I love this bag, it has two pockets and a wonderful natural linen lining and the wooden handles can't be beat. It is absolutely like new, rarely used by me, maybe once or twice.
Here's what you need to do to enter and be the winner of this jackpot:

Send me a comment and say hi. That's it. (Please enter one time only and please comment instead of emailing me.) Again like last time, I will be shipping to US and Canada mailing addresses only due to shipping expenses.

Just so you know I will be in and out much of the upcoming week. If you don't see your comment posted right away it is just because I haven't gotten to posting it yet. Don't worry, I will be checking in sporadically to post the the entries. They will all be posted, I promise.

I will be keeping the comments open right up until I pick a random number with the random number generator. I will be selecting one winner sometime on the weekend of August 16th. At that time I will post the winning comment and then that person will need to email me with their mailing address. If the winner doesn't contact me within three days I will select a new winner.

Go to it, Knitters. You always make my day and I'd like to make the day for one of you.
best, susie