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Friday, May 30, 2008


Hi Knitters,
You know how all of those savvy bloggers take self-portraits while they are wearing their fantastic knitted garments? A lot of times I really like those pictures in the bathroom mirror because I think they are so real-looking and kinda cute. Well, I have two funny stories to share about the haircut I got yesterday so I tried to take a quick picture of myself in the mirror so you could see what I was talking about. This technique is not as easy as you might think, notice the crossed-eyes above...

...the side-winder glance...

...or the "Oh, I hurt my back" pose I actually created myself. I went to this young woman to get my hair did (that's a joke). She couldn't have been any nicer, but when I told her I wanted some bangs cut it seemed like she didn't know quite what to do. I ended up with a wispy strand of hair that was cut to hang down over my right eye and end at my cheekbone. Um, that's just not going to work for me I actually need to use my right eye on occasion. I talked to her and asked if she would cut a little more and a little more but it just wasn't going to happen. I knew exactly what I had to do when I got home. I pulled out some sharp scissors and went to town on my bangs. I cut and cut and cut. I like my new haircut, if I do say so myself. So after 2 1/2 hours and over $100 (that price included a highlight) I had to cut my own hair to get it right. Crazy, right?

Okay, one more quick story about my hair. My daughter had a friend over after school today. When her mom picked her up I was chatting away with her and she loved my haircut, which was sweet. Then she said, "Wow, your haircut is very becoming, you look like you have a job or something." That is too funny, I can't stop laughing about that reaction. I told my husband and he said he wasn't sure if that was compliment or not. Maybe I looked unemployable before? I love her and she is really sweet and only meant the best but that was just too funny not to share. I went to a friend's retirement party last night and she didn't even recognize me when I walked into the party. I guess I better work on this a bit. You take a shower,  get a haircut you give yourself, put on a little make-up and it's a whole new world out there. Too good.

I finished the first trekking xxl #134 pedi sock and I love this colorway. How cute is that? It is fresh and light and breezy. I hope to cast on the second right away. I have had a heavy, heavy load of work knitting I have been tackling this week so I don't have a lot to share.

Melissa asked me to make sure I mentioned that SewBendy is actually run by her friend Jenn from Columbus along with herself. I am loving that little bag and I am thinking about ordering a couple more. There are some super cute new bags up, too.

Last of all, I hope to get my son to sit down with me to get the Bumble Bee hat up for purchase this weekend. Lofty, I know. Check back soon if you are interested.

I'll probably pop in this weekend sometime. Have a good one, dear Knitters.
best, susie