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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Guido and Me

Hi Knitters,
This is late notice but if you are free tomorrow at 11:00 am eastern time, 10:00 am central, I am kind of co-hosting the It's a Purl Man podcast with Guido Stein. The link is here if you want to join in to make comments or ask questions. You can write in and listen as we are on the air. Now that I read his post I guess I am co-hosting, not kind of. I didn't want to be presumptuous.
The topic is one of my favorites which I bet you can guess. It is Guido's 50th podcast so I am extra honored to be a part of this event. I better get some good rest tonight to be sure I am on my toes for a live show.
I hope you can spend your Sunday morning with Guido and me. He is an interesting knitter who lives in the Boston area with his new wife. I listen to his every podcast with joy. In fact, his theme song, which he sings with his brother, is worth the listen in itself. It makes me laugh every single time. He is a smart, happy sort with a great attitude about knitting and knitters. I especially love his interviews because he is completely charming and so are his guests.
If you miss the live show Guido will be posting it later as a regular podcast so I will direct you to that with a link when it comes out. He has a great podcast which sticks to knitting and spinning as the topics. I always appreciate this.
I hope to hear from you! Keep your fingers crossed for me doing a live show.
Good night, Knitters.
best, susie