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Friday, November 30, 2007

With You or Wich You

Hi Knitters,
Have you heard the song Clumsy by Fergie? Those of you with teenagers might know what I'm talking about. If not, let me fill you in. This is a song about falling in love where the singer is supposed to be saying, "with you" but repeats the line, "I'm so in love wich you," with emphasis on the "ch," over and over at the end. I think this is so funny. My 14-year-old loves this song. Oh, to be a teen. The funny thing (or not) is that I can't get this song out of my head. I guess that makes it a hit?

How does this tie in with scarf knitting you ask? Well, I'll tell you. The entire time I've been knitting on this scarf the song Clumsy has been running through my head non-stop. Yes, it's true, go ahead and laugh (at me). I would. Actually, it's a pretty cute song with a bouncy beat so it's not too bad.

Let me tell you a bit about this project. It is the hourglass scarf from Knitting New Scarves by Lynne Barr. This is a fantastic book filled with crazy, unique scarf patterns. I have several earmarked for this winter. I started with the hourglass scarf because I had this Koigu Kersti just waiting to become a scarf. Plus I had some really old Koigu 2 ply in butter yellow that worked perfectly for the accent color.
The cinching segment is so fun. You divide the stitches on 2 double-pointed needles and then you do a slip stitch sequence in the round in 2x2 rib using the two different colors. The dpns are several sizes smaller for this part and it really pulls the scarf in for a dramatic effect. The good thing is that you are knitting in the round and this keeps the scarf looking great from both sides, always a plus. The ribbed scarf section is knitted with two strands of the Koigu Kersti held together on fairly large needles. Talk about squishy, it feels so good.
You know when I started knitting this I was feeling kind of tired and I thought I would make up my own cinching technique instead of reading and learning Barr's new techniques. This was my mistake. I had to pull back and read and learn her ways. Her wording and descriptions are unusual but it actually didn't take me more than a second to figure it out. You can do it too.
It is always worthwhile to learn a new technique here and there. That's what keeps you growing and inspired. I am inspired by Lynne Barr. She is pushing the envelope, twisting and turning stitches, working from new directions. I should pay attention to this no matter how tired I am.
Okay, one more time, "I'm so in love wich you."
best, susie
p.s. I've heard a recent rumor that you're not supposed to post works in progress (wip) pictures on your blog, only finished projects. What? I love the wips on people's blogs and I have no problem seeing projects along the way, that's fun. Keep posting what you are working on, knitters, I want to see how you're doing on things.
p.p.s. I have to tell you that I didn't know that there is a fantastic giveaway going on for a Kristin Knits book launch celebration. You can enter on Kristin's blog through December 10th to win 20 balls of her yarn, Julia, in assorted colors. Enter quick, that is some prize. Good luck.