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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Girl of 100 Lists (oh, and yarntini!)

I am a girl of 100 lists, from what should I wear, to who I have kissed. (from my favorite go-go's song)
Hi Knitters,
Well, we can safely say my lists don't include either of those items. My lists include groceries, knitting class outlines, patterns to write, recipes, doctor appointments and knitting tips. It's not quite as exciting. However, I do have something exciting to share.
Can you make this out? Oh yeah, it says Itty-Bitty Susan. Yes, that's right, I've got my very own Yarntini color! Jessie, of Yarntini fame, outdid herself by coming up with the yummiest, happiest, stripey-est yarn I have ever seen. She took inspiration from itty-bitty things to come up with this gorgeous array of colors. It seriously looks like candy and I may just have to take a bite or at least a lick.
I special ordered just a few skeins from Jessie and she threw in the Itty-Bitty Susan skein just to be nice. I love her and I love her yarn.

There's appletini,



pumpkin spice,


and itty-bitty susan.

I am one lucky girl! I have a feeling I am going to have a good weekend. Thank you, Jessie.
That's one list that is fun to see in pictures. One more thing about lists, when I was growing up we always used to laugh at my dad because he was a major lister. He would take a yellow lined notepad, free from the University (in fact, that is his old notepad I am using) and would write in capital letters, "THINGS TO DO." Then there would be a long list that followed. I don't think he ever finished the tasks on his list but he had good intentions. I'm afraid the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree where listing is concerned. Lists are only good if you actually do what's on them. When am I going to learn this?
I have a few quick pointers I have been listing so here they are:
1. For kfb (knit in the front and back of the same stitch), if you knit in the front of the stitch as usual then simply slip the stitch over to the right needle it makes for a slick increase without a bump. This I read from Meg Swansen in the last Vogue Knitting. Good tip!
2. On the following round after an ssk (slip, slip, knit), knit through the back loop of the ssk stitch and it will lay smoother. I love this tip and saw it this morning on the Knitty Gritty with Cat Bordhi who was knitting socks, of course. Very slick, must try.
3. Another Cat Bordhi tip (she's a sock genius if you didn't know), if you are knitting with a double strand of yarn and need to increase you simply knit in one strand of the stitch and then the second strand of the stitch, each separately. That's cool and creative.
Also, I have a great bit of information about the Pom-Tree, which is my favorite simple tool of all-time. I use this tool a ton in both itty-bitty books for making poms, tassels and fringe. Well, a friend of mine (hi Sue) actually made contact with Alice, the inventor of the pom-tree. She is an 81-year- old woman living in the south. She didn't know about me touting her invention everywhere I go and in my books. So now I know that she has her own website. Check it out and order from her if you need one. I guarantee you will love it. I am adding her site to my sidebar under favorites, too. It's all very sweet.
One last thing, my niece had her appendix out this week. She is 13 and she is very brave. She is spending the day with me today because my sister is out of town on a college visit with her one of her other daughters. She brought over this wonderful little lap quilt she received in the hospital. It is from the Project Linus group and it is beautiful. The quilt is backed with a soft flannel for extra snuggling power. Anyway, she loves and adores this quilt and I am thoroughly impressed with the craftsmanship. What a great charity project to make kids feel loved and safe.
Have a good weekend.
best, susie
p.s. Video tutorials are on the way for the Marley hat topper and picot edging! Thanks for the ideas. I will keep adding to my list. I may have 101 lists at this point.