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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Needle-Felting Dots

Hi Knitters,
I am having a good time with this project. This is the felted sweater that I am using for a wrist-let handbag that I mentioned in the last post. It was a plain white sweater that I felted so I decided to add some interest by needle-felting dots onto the fabric.
It is turning out great so I thought I would share a how-to on this fun and easy technique.
While you are creating your dotted pattern don't worry about imperfections. That's what makes it look so interesting and unique. My favorite dots are the ones that are oblong with uneven edges. Just go for it!
Here is what I used:
Needle-Felting Brush
Needle-Felting multi-needle tool
Felted Sweater (cut to bag measurements)
The needle felting tools and roving I purchased here.
Begin by placing the brush under the spot you will be working on.
Break off a small piece of the roving for the center of the dot. (Nice bruise!)
Shape the small piece of roving into a circle.
Place the circle on the felt and hold it in place with your fingertips. This is where you need to be extra careful not to stick your fingers with the needles. I only hold the roving for one or two pokes then I remove my fingers completely.
Now just poke the needles in and out of the circle until it is attached to the fabric.
I keep going until the roving is flattened out pretty well.
Next I select my outline color. This time form the roving into a longer, thinner piece.
I measure by placing it around the circle. None of this is scientific at all. If it doesn't go all of the way around I simply add some more. If it is too long I break a bit off. That's the kind of project I like!
Repeat attaching the same way you did the center.
Do the final ring the same way. Some of the dots I did three colors, some only two colors and then I added tiny dots around the larger dots.
This is a fun and easy project with fantastic results. You should give it a try.
Here is the finished dot.
The backside has fuzzy remnants of the right side design. Pull your felt gently from the brush.
This is the wrongside. Next I will needle-felt dots on the handle loops. I think I will make a flower out of needle-felted fabric and cut out a layered flower. More to come on that. Then onto the sewing.
Until then...