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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Yarntini On the Go

Hi Knitters,
I went on a field trip with my daughter's fifth grade class today. We went to the Wisconsin Dells to visit the Mt. Olympus amusement park. It was a long day but it was filled with nice, fun kids,which is always a good thing. I don't know about you, but I don't go on roller coasters or other spinning-type rides. I just can't do it. It makes me feel sick and then I don't recover very fast. I've always had this problem since I was little and it has only gotten worse with age.
Since I don't go on the rides I had a lot of waiting time at the exits. I would send my five girls off at the start of the ride, walk over to the exit and pull out my new Yartini Pureknits sock and rib away the minutes. Oh yes, I am already at the heel and started the sock this morning. It was a good day. My daughter had a ball and I got to knit on my beloved Yarntini sock yarn. If you haven't tried this yarn you are missing out. It is absolutely the best. I am dying to get more of it but it is sold out everywhere. I haven't forgotten my second Vesper Sweet Water sock, I just couldn't wait any longer to start the pureknits color way. I will return shortly to the sweet waters. I will probably alternate the two yarns to finish both pairs.
I planted the pot. How cute is that?
best, susie