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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Pig Big

Hi Knitters,

My daughter named this post. I couldn't do much better than that. The pig's name is Pinkie. My kids have always named their stuffed animals by their colors. Like I remember a brown dog named Brownie, and a white wolf named Whitie. You get the picture. So much for creativity in that area.

Anyway, the pig is refreshed and plump as a plum (my daughter again). He's quite squeezable, too. A little new stuffing can go a long way.

One quick news bit for you, did you see that Interweave Knits has a new editor? It's the one and only Eunny Jang. She is fabulous and quite a catch for the magazine. I am a big fan of her knitting and her knowledge of all things knitting. She is super smart and a great writer to boot. When Eunny posted on her blog about this exciting news she received close to 1,000 comments of encouragement. I think she'll do just fine with that kind of adoration. Best wishes to Eunny.

Pam Allen will be missed, she did a fantastic job as editor. I am sure we will see much more of her in the knitting publishing world in the future.

Check out this and this.

best, susie