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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Fun(ny) Stuff

Hi Knitters!

I was mentioning how I like to pull out older knitting books to look through on a regular basis. Yesterday I pulled out this special kids edition of Vogue Knitting. It was the fall/winter 1993 issue. If you can get your hands on this magazine, I say do it! The designers featured are Jil Eaton, Meg Swansen, Elizabeth Zimmerman, Gayle Bunn, Norah Gaughan, Lipp Holmfeld, and Nicky Epstein. The designs are fantastic, many of them are timeless classics.

One of the greatest features in this edition is two-page spread of little teddy bears in terrific knitted outfits. The outfits were designed by some of the greatest knitting designers ever. Added to the list above are Kaffe Fassett and now, who was that? Oh yeah, Jacqelyn Smith! Charlie's Angels' Jacquelyn Smith? Not so fast, I looked it up and she spells her name Jaclyn, but it's fun to imagine. Doesn't she have a popular clothing line at Walmart or something? Anyway, the bears in their outfits were auctioned off for The Children's Aid Society, a charity fund for kids. I love this idea. Also, they had a booklet with all 18 patterns for the bear clothes which you could purchase and the profits went to the charity. It's all adorable. Someone should do this again.

As I was leafing through the magazine, an ad caught my eye. Take a close look at that picture, come closer, closer......

That's right. You guessed it (drum roll). It's Lindsay Lohan! Yes, she's modeling ALPHABET FUN!! Lindsay is so cute in this picture, so innocent. Now, the ad is for iron-on transfers to add to this basic Vogue sweater pattern. You apply the transfer then duplicate stitch and embroider the letter and animal to the sweater front. They suggest these are for kids and adults alike! Sign me up, mom.
Now we jump to the fun stuff. I love Pier 1 Imports for pillows. They have great colorful pillows for low prices. It is inspiring to hang out by their pillow wall. I have to get over there to do just that. This set of 3 pillows came in a stack tied together with a ribbon. Isn't it delicious? I even got some orange cables in the mix.

Julia yarn by Kristin Nicholas is another fun thing. What glorious yarn in deep, rich colors. I definitely have to knit something with this treasure trove soon. I see Kristin has a new book coming out. I will buy it sight unseen. I am a big Kristin fan. She does it all, quietly and beautifully. I can't wait. I think the book is called Kristin Knits. Whatever it is I'm there with my check book.

I'm leaving you now with my thoughts lingering on Jaclyn (I always wanted her hair) knitting her bear outfit in full Charlie's Angels glory, sweet Lindsay modeling her C is for Cat sweater, iron-on transfers for your knitting and much, much more.

It's a fun world out there.

best, susie